Sunday, June 19, 2005 4:16 AM ;||*wen boredom sets in*|| First of all, HAPPY GINORIC 19th BDAE GINO! Sumtymes all gerls wan their other half to gif their full attention to onlie dem. And no one else. but wen its getting outta hand, we feel as if we are being controlled by our other half. Too much of his possessiveness n jealousy can bring everything to a halt. And all we wan is him to gif us some space to breathe n enjoy de life of being a teenager. And at de same tyme, we're trying sooo hard to deal wif n understand his jealousy. And dis phrase kips on running in our mind: "im onlie ur other half. Not yet ur wife" Yup..perhaps it's true. i jus nid him to accept de people around me. the ppl who are my old friends even before he came into my life. And try to understand how hurt i am wen he start to look down n criticized my old friends. *sigh* Pfft. It's been 2daes since i blog. Currently im feeling hellya stress up. term test is lyke in 2weeks tyme. lab test is lyke next week. Assignments n projects are lyke due next week. Goodness. i need space fer all dat!! n feeling depressed. No doubt. *shakes head* im left wif no money fer de whole month. shitte! Now i realise how much wonders money can do to me. *frown* Tinking of all dat makes me feel totally sick. More depress. Helpless. Clueless. Stress. Ouh wadeva! *eyes rolling* And to those ppl around me..who somehow hate me or dislike me. please stop all de nonsense. im jus sick n tired of all those crappy junk stuff dat's cuming out of ur mouth. and perhaps thanks fer being dere. without u ppl, dere's no ups n downs in my life. Yaaa..i mean, i jus cant xpect every single humans out dere to luv n adulate me rite??! im born here to feel de beautiful of life..not to add hatred to others. But den again, im leading my own life.. *thats it* Pesta Perdana yest was sucha a shame. A disaster. Real bored! Thank heaven i did not buy de ticket. 65bux will just go to de drain just lyke dat. wad a boooring show. i mean it. de hosts were lyke half dead i tink. Probably dey didn't eat before de hosting. Why najib of all ppl?? where's suhaimi?? Half of de tyme, he was giving lame jokes. See wad i mean. Disastrous! mum, adeq n me fell asleep in de middle of de show. wad was dat supposed to me?? boredom sets in. Hehs! Suria, u guys nid to buck up! On top of all dat, im off to Kallang theatre at 6pm. to watch Gentarasa. Hopefully i dun fall asleep in de theatre. All i need is entertainment n fer now, im putting my hopes on de performances. Gotta call rabia. sooo excited on wad to wear... *weeeeeeeeeeeee* Before the end of de nite, i wan to hold u so tight, U noe i wan u so much, And im so tempted to touch... *tra la la* I'll be back wif more.. Hugs n kisses, Dirah. That's It For Today. Goodbye.