Thursday, June 09, 2005 3:21 AM ;||*perhaps perhaps perhaps*|| Can guys always be described as de ones who will cum into ur life n just go weneva dey like?? leaving behind their footprints in our heart?? well..perhaps perhaps perhaps.. aniwae, it aint wrong fer me to say dat all guys are de same..ouh well, maybe onlie minority of dem r just different from de rest. like among 10 guys, onli 1 of dem is de minority ones. i dunnoe..perhaps it is always de gerls who haf to feel lyke dis. some kinda shitty feelings. dun u agree?? somehow..someplace..somewhere.. u'll agree wif me. yuppp.. *nods head* fer now, im reallie thankful dat ive met my one true luv. ive promised to myself to look afta dis relationship wif sooo much tender care and love. perhaps, dat's de onlie ting dat i wished fer. n yupp..seriously, de feelings dat he gaf me cant be head over heels wif him. no doubt! n all i longed fer is his love. dats all..i wont ask much from him..i promise. ![]() oke..y m i drifting away here??! nooo..i dunoo. ive been feeling so lost n sumtymes i feel as if someone had just stabbed my heart. really deep. yupp..i just feel lyke letting out my tears. perhaps noone will understand wad im feeling rite now. perhaps..perhaps..perhaps *shrug* de thought of adeq put a smile on my face. she's back!! yaaaayyy! *jumping up and down* bot her char kuey sotong @ Chai Chee Restaurant just fer her. pity her can't taste nice food while she's away @ camp. nvm..ur akak here will buy u nicee food specially fer u oke? *wide smile* yesss dear..i got lotsa lotsa stuffie to tell you. lotsa tings happen while you're away..sooo, all i nid is ur listening ear..please gif me dat oke adeq?? *muacks* Met rabia just noe @ 6pm. Ouh-my-gawd!! i miss her deeply. As usual, deres lyke losta stuff to tok n brag about. n perhaps dis is where i feel secure wif my feelings most of de tyme. i miss rabia. i miss ailah. TOO.. *m-i-s-s* ![]() i got an interesting story to tell todae. first story.. was @ de canteen Short Circuit wif syasya just now. i was asking her to take fer me 1 currypuff as i was busy keeping my tutorial worksheet. Den tis guy turned around, looked @ me n smiled. "yesss..?? take fer u wad?" He asked. Lyke since wen did i talk to him??! So i was looking at him wif my 'crumpled' face n said " not talking to you" ..sooo, shut de hell up! if onlie i could cnue my sentence. He was trying to be cheeky wif me??! eeewww!! Suuuuppppeerrrrr neva!! *PUI* N sooo, i bumped into him again in de aftanoon. Obviously he was trying to smile at me, but too bad, i cant even put a fake smile fer you. Soo, i ignore him.. *shivers* Second story.. Was walking from de Library to Engineering block ALONE wen suddenly dis guy came walking bside me out of nowhere. I tout it was normal to suddenly find someone walking bside you. He den actualli muttered a hi to me which made me looked to my rite. nope. Noone. Jus a wall. So was he talking to me??! "you’re talking to me?" " r u from design school??" i cant help it but to gif him dis pathetic look. Hello??! Do i noe you?? Who de heck r u??! "nope. im from dis school. Engineering" n he went on and on and on. bla bla bla. Askin me wad year im in. wad course im in n sickeningly, he looked @ me from my head to my toe. 'excuse me! im wearing a skirt. Can u puh-lease respect me??!!' no manners. n he actually said "hmm..nice!" wad exactly did he mean by 'nice'??! and he cnued "been seeing u around lately. i was keeping an eye on u actuallie. N it's onli now dat I had de chance to tok to you." i nid air!! i nid to breathe. Dis guy is definitely a psycho! i was being stalked! Goodness! den next, i saw a staircase leading to level 4. my instinct told me i HAD to get away from dis jerk. Yesss..get away! Now or neva! so i looked up @ him n smile. Believe dis or not, fer de first tyme in my life, i took de stairs without looking down. In fact, i was closing my eyes fer 3 secs. Ouh gawd! pls help me get away from dis stalker. Reached level4. was totally relieved. N thanks to him, i had to travel a longer distance. *shitty shite him* i haf to tell fahn tonite afta his werk. Dis is sooo dyem blardie important. It's jus not de matter of being stalked, but de matter of him looking at me lyke some hungry crocodile. It's de matter of unsecured at im feeling rite now. *shucks* well..enuf is enuf. n let perhaps be onlie perhaps. i've learnt my lessons. neva depend too much on someone. u haf all urself to pull through. good nite my peeps! *tata* That's It For Today. Goodbye.