Tuesday, June 07, 2005 12:53 PM ;||*MISSING is in my dictionary*|| Do you know something? Obviously no, unless i tell u. heh hehs! i miss my adeq again. Gawd! Y does she need to attend her NPCC camp during dis June holidae??! Yup yup..she just came back from her NPCC camp dat Fri n todae, off she went again fer her NPCC Adventure Camp @ Pulau Ubin. i noe her betta den any one else, i assure u! she hates camp. Totally. She's not those kinda gerl who is de 'lasak' type. Nope, she's not. 100% sure she will cum home dis Wed n nothing else dat will cum out from her mouth but COMPLAINS. Yesss..i bet u! she gonna complain a lot of stuff to me..it's oke, im all ready fer her complaints. N yess..she had canoe-ing or kayak-ing dere. Seriously, im worried fer her safety. Rite now, im wondering how's she doin. Fine or jus not fine?? *wondering* Hmm..missing her deeply. Dat means, i haf to sleep alone again fer todae n tomorrow. Shucks! i hate dat! *sigh* Nvm, i'll just look @ de sky tonite n say gudnyte to u wen im goin to sleep oke?? Yaaa..i hope u noe dat ur dearest akak wishes u gudnyte n is missing u lyke mad here! N before i forget abt my other sis, todae is her 19th bdae. Well..here is fer u sweetest akak. HAPPY SWIT 19th BIRTHDAY, NADIA!! p/s: all of us here wish you all de best in ur upcoming life n pls pls pls be more mature, now dat u're already nineteen! Sounds n looks betta rite if u spell out de word '19' rather den displayin de number '19' itself??! Wad betta is, it doesn't remind u dat ure getting older.. Hehs! Please note everybody, especialli my akak. im officially broke dis month. No. im not kidding. im reallie2 broke! So pls dun show me nice stuff, dun bring me to shop n pls dun beg me fer any presents! Haha..i dunwan to feel sooo guilty. It's enuf to feel depress without any money during Great Singapore Sale. *ergh* Talkin abt sales, Levis are having their sales n my gawd! i was goin craze just now but i managed to maintain my 'kegilaan' tu. Simply bcos i haf no money to spend. So pretend as if dere's no good stuff fer me larh. Padahal padahal..! n syasya bot herself a jean fer only 70buxs. Shitty her rite??! haha..opps! *covering mouth wif my left hand* No way! U cant curse me bcos im altering ur jean fer free huh! Hehe.. Soo todae, i didn't go to my Japanese lect. bcos of de Levis sales larh. It's oke. No attendance marking aniwae. *phew* Wad else?? Ouh yaa..de plan to meet my gurlfrens todae was cancelled bcos ailah had to complete her assignment fer tomorrow. Soo, no way she's goin to spend de nite wif us rite?? hmm..nvm, perhaps dis sat we'll meet oke?? Pfft. Talking abt gurlfrens, i tink im gonna strangle ailah very soon. Nope. De moment i meet her dis sat. how dare u went to zoo without me?? n u actualli went wif wak? Ergh!! i sooo hate you! No, dat was de kidding part. But reallie, im goin to strangle u! nvm nvm..rabia! u'll be my date fer de next outing oke?? Haha..im mean. Ey ailah, kau da kirim salam ke blum pat member2 aku?? See, dey miss me tau, yet u neva ajak me..hehe *joking arh gerl* Org kater..lau takle take joke, duduk maner?? Duduk pat hutan!! Hehs! Well, dats all fer todae peeps! I'll cum back wif more entertaining entries. Haha.. See ya..! Last last.. Missing my other half sooo much! *muacks* That's It For Today. Goodbye.