Thursday, June 16, 2005 12:44 PM ;||*bumble bees buzzing off*|| Millions apology to ppl who had spent their entire day reading my entry. Sorie sorie sorie fer giving out de wrong information. Hiphop fest is not tomorrow, instead it's next mth. July. Yesss sorie. *bows head* By rite, it wasn't my fault..reallie. it was adeq's fault larh fer telling me de wrong thingy. Hiya..dasar slenger larh dektu. Hehs! So..settle arh ppl. Thursday NO hiphop fest at Kembangan. it's actualie on 16th JULY. *take note* Where should i start?? class was lyke de 'yellow-yellow-dirty-fellow' class. initially, it was onlie sya2 n me who planned to wear yellow. So yupp, came dis 'mulut-tak-tahu-tutup' gerl, tell de other gerls in de class to wear yellow too. obviously i was jus joking, but aiyoo!! Dey wore yellow sia..wait. not onlie de gerls, de guys too. gino n zac. Mampus!! So in total, 7 ppl were wearing yellow in my class. how embarrassing was dat??! *red cheeks* And 5 ppl were wearing black. de class was lyke turning into a group of bumble bees. Goodness! i swear i neva stick with dem fer de rest of de dae. noway! *shakes head* Wed is alwas a dyem freaking dae. bcos i will haf 4hrs break before having my Japanese tutorial. Yuppp..wad a gap! So how did i spend my 4hr just now??! Went to buy Seafood Fried Rice n Chicken Rice @ Chai Chee Restaurant. Tapau n went to Fahn's house. simply bcos i wanna watch free DVD. Yaayy! Hehe..his mum n sis were @ home, stop tinking negative u dirty-minded ppl..!! watched Miss Congeniality2 dere. wad an adorable movie. *thumbs up* Obviously hunnie was already dozing off on de sofa. Perut da kenyang je jawabnye tdo larh..n his sis had to entertain me wif Kit Kats. Haha..chocolates make me supppeerr high..! rite akak nanie?? U chocolate-lover!! Hehs! Hiya! i couldn't catch de last part where Kath sang her 'originality-matters-cute-song'. But but..i remembered de 1st series one.. It went sumting lyke dis. "u tink im gorgeous. u tink im sexy. u wanna kiss me. u wanna hug me." and blah..rite?? lurve it mann..soo cute!! Dun u tink so..??! *shrug shoulders* Anw my gonna-be-mother-in-law, hehs..thanks fer de chilli sauces u bot fer momma @ Johor. Reallie appreciate it! thank you 2nd momma..! *cheeky* Went off to school again @ 3pm. if onlie i could skipped dat class n sleep! i wish..anw, Jap class was not bad. Finally i managed to capture some skills. Lets try.. Hajimemashite. Watashi wa Dirah desu. Translation.. How do you do? My name is Dirah. Hehs! Ble tahan kan aku nie?? *dance around* Met rabia @ 6pm. took a walk, or perhaps a stroll, in Tampines Mall. soo she was telling me everthing dat gerls should share among themselves. Haha..gerls talk la. Gossips. Try-out clothes. n blab. Basically, im done wif todae. *time checking* Oppss! Gonna be 10 soon. Wanna catch 'eye for a guy'. So who do u tink Denise will pick?? Howard or Wolfgang? i instinct tells me it gonna be Wolfgang. But obviously, dat wun do any fair to the others rite?? tink abt dat..hmm.. *thinking* Till den..i lurve every single of my peeps! you.. *muacks* That's It For Today. Goodbye.