Sunday, June 12, 2005 3:30 PM ;||*total FUN*|| *crack de joke* from gurl. "wad did poh (de red teletubbies), say afta having sex??" Stooopid..! "he said 'again again' larh" *laugh* i noe it's lame-o..nvm. alrite..let's get some serious stuff here. told u ppl dat im meeting my gurlfrens on yest rite?? haiz..but u see..ailah cant make it coz she got some family ting on. So, we cant mit her. yuppp..totally sad. But de plan is still on. Went out wif rabia n adeq. to Far East. not to shop but to fill our stomach. Gosh!! De three of us were craving fer hokkien mee n char kuey sotong. Realliee delicious. Yummy! *licks lip* ![]() Oke. so i jus took a photo of dis slurpy bandung..! it tasted great though. *slurp* Alrite. Where's de food??! we're soo hungry alreadie.. Fine. Some candid first before eating. ![]() and afta filling our stomach, rabia went to mit her hubby, man. it's sooo swit of him to cum down all de way to Far East Plaza to pick her up. And yuppp..obviously she asked him to larh, giving reasons lyke "you..perut I terlalu berat nak jalan larh" haha..wad crap u gaf rabia.. nevamind.. sooo, dats de first tyme i saw man. hmm..gud taste gurlfren! *u noe wad i mean* Sachok! Well, wish de two of u a longlasting relationship! *muacks* n den, left wif onli adeq n me. adeq bot herself a FreshBox tee. Not bad..n i bot myself noting. Tgh kering kerontang larh peeps! No money! Nehi..! *shakes head* Had some plans on..stoopid plans larh actuallie. Prefer to keep it confidential..haha! Met parents @ 9.30pm fer some free dinner.. Hehs! It's alwas nice to haf free stuff. Especialli food. dun u tink so?? *wink* Well well well..i jus got back from bowling @ downtown. Aunt got her pay dis week n she planned to blanja go bowling. Free peh pasal, smua on. Hehs! played two games..n de first game, i totally slack. i dunnoe, either takde energy or im not in de mood to haf fun. *sigh* But de second game, it went all fine. i managed to strike all oke??! Yesss arh! Although de ball masuk 'longkang' quite a few tymes. *pimp laugh* ![]() obviously, i got de nicest shoe..figure it out! Ate @ KFC. Her treat too. See, m i sooo lucky?? Haha.. Wadeva. Oke. dis is fact. first tyme in my life i see grandma ate icecream..well, to be more specific, it actuallie became 'melting tower'. Dun believe?? See it fer urself. Hehs! ![]() Now u believe me??! Alrite, too tired to cnue. School is still on tomorrow. How dyem pathetic rite??! *ergh* ![]() Till den, sayonara! That's It For Today. Goodbye.