Saturday, June 11, 2005 11:45 AM ;||*pissed YET heaven*|| was alreadie freaking pissed off early in de morning. we took 4 buses to skul todae. yesss..4 freaking buses! dyem gawd shite rite? so de first bus i took was 81. met fahn @ a bustop n we took 9. dropped at a bustop cos dere's no direct bus to TP dere. Waited fer 8 but de bus was too pack-o wif ppl. so we took 18 instead. Planned to stop @ Safra bustop n take either 23, 15, 8 or de TP bus itself. Freaked! All de buses were sooo packed. Gosh. N finally, we managed to squeeze ourselves in de bus. Luckily it was onli 2bustops away. *phew* Wad a pain wen actualli we can take only 2 buses to skul! *eyes rolling* Ouh yesss..i will neva-ever take 18 niemore. Nope. n no way! *eyes pain* Shhheeessh! Had labs fer todae. 2 labs. First lab was java. n my assignment is lyke in 2weeks tyme. but frankly speaking, i dun even understand a single junk till now. i dunno who i can rely on. no way im gonna rely on john bcos he is relying on me. good. had routing and switching lab next. and i blardie HATE wearing shoes! So todae, i had 1 BAD record. Didn't wear covered shoes fer ROSW lab. How freaking phucker! Bad..bad..bad.. i dun care! Skul ended @ 1pm todae. had a date wif fahn. told him i wanted to buy a white tee @ Bugis. It's soo bloody cheap. N niceee..veriee elegant. Fahn bot himself 2 tees. ishk! Melampau btol baby aku nie..anw, it's sooo worth it to buy tees dere. Not common aniwae. Ouh yess..u guys should try slacking @ a cafe in Bugis village. It's on level2, de new renovated area. Dey sold chocolate cookies fer onli 1bux!! n it's sooo delicious. Trust me. n obviously dey haf everyting else too..should try it out yourself. *yummy!* Hmm..n sooo, de princess here is so in luv wif his prince. i dunnoe, but he's reallie swit just now. n i jus adore him e way he is..i wonder..will he be mine forever?? ![]() yes yes yes.. m tinking abt tomorrow. i haf to go out tomorrow. simply bcos adeq will be goin out wif her bunch of fwends. Akak will be @ camp. Mum n dad will dfinitely go out @ nite. n fer haven sake, i dunwanna be stuck @ home on Sat. sooo kental! Soo.. i haf a date wif rabia n ailah tomorrow. Yaaaayy..reallie cant wait to meet dem. It's lyke years since de last tyme we met.'s lyke onli 1wik. But ey, i do reallie miss my gurlfrens u noe..! still not sure wads de plan tomorrow but i bet it'll be havoc! Total crazie-ness.. u just wait..! That's It For Today. Goodbye.