Tuesday, June 14, 2005 2:45 PM ;||*blind or no eyes??*|| im soooo guilty. Yess..fer goin to pool w/o fahn's consent. Well actuallie, it was a last minute planning..soo, please dun blame me.. *hehs* Ended skul @ 5pm todae. i left fahn n syasya in skul. Nooo. Noway! i did not leave dem. Fahn had his CDS thingy till 8pm n syasya had her Japanese lecture till 6pm soo..im not leaving dem m i?? *shakes head* Met adeq n ayun @ bdok interchange. Played pool dere. n im officially a member dere alreadie..dont u noe dont u noe?? Hehs! Actualli, i played only 2games out of 6games. Giving ways to adeq n ayun mah..drng kan underage, kasi muka ckit larh kalau iye pun..sooo I was siting alone at one corner, looking @ dem playing wen suddenly dis guy came to me. Shhheeessshh! Wait. Let me describe to u how he looks lyke. it was quite dark in dere so excuse me of im giving u stooopid description. He got dis realllie realllie reallie blonde hair. Yupp..almost to yellow lyke dat. He was wearing his werking tee. He was a bit taller den me n most importantly, he's a mat-rip. *eeeewwwwww* So yaaa..he approached me n asked fer my number. Sicko! Zaman biler kau sesat pat nie??! Skrg da zaman 2005, maner ader org minta2 no. lagik?? Hehs! So i said 'no'. obviously. Firstly, im attached. Secondly, I dun trust guys who go around asking fer numbers. I tink they’re sick or sumthing. Thirdly, im not interested in mat-rip. Fourthly, he sucks! Stop me. i dunwanna cnue anymore. *eyes rolling* So he was forcing me, begging me lyke some kinda desperate guy. True. n he even said dat i looked lyke Haney Hadad. Ya allah! Potek ke mater kau tu?? Ataupun memang da buta??! Jauh beza sae muka aku..haha. trying to entertain me rite? Phuck off! N he actuallie did not believe dat wen i told him im schooling in poly bcos he insisted dat im those skuling in ITE Simei. Again, r u blind or sumting??! *hecks* Told fahn abt dis n he kinda get mad abt it. mayb dats de reason y he hate it wen i went pool-ing. Quite reasonable perhaps. n sooo..dis lady here got home @ 9.30pm. wad an unmeaningful entry ive written??! *ampun* That's It For Today. Goodbye.