Wednesday, June 15, 2005 1:57 PM
;||*sadness n happiness*||
i seriously n honestly miss blogging. i noe, it sounded sooo crazy but i reallie2 cant find de tyme to blog.. *tears*
Cut dat drama. So i jus completed my mission. To watch Taufik Batisah on shite! Wads de title of dat show huh?? Wad talks n hawker wad??! mind went totally blank. Oke fine, forget dat dyem title, basically it's a show on foods hosted by Fiona Xie.
Soo..Taufik was lyke de invited guest. Yerp. And all his fav foods are in Bukit Batok. Dats where he lives larh..n all de foods dat were telecast made me go 'ouh-my-gawd'. n honestly, i had to tahan my saliva. *drooling*
Maybe some dae, i will drop by dere. Someday..wen arh??! I place is sooo freaking far n i haf no tyme in de world to travel. So anibody who is kind enuf to gif me free ride, leave me a tag orite? *wink* Fahn gonna scream at dis veri moment!! Hehs!
Apart from all dat crappiness, im feeling blardie upset. Or maybe stress. Mixture of dem perhaps.
Sadstress 1: i haf to complete my Java lab assignment by next week n to present it in class. *shite* Jus received de question paper just now n fark!! I dun understand a blardie ting. How to start??! STRESSSSSS!! If onlie i haf all de luxury to NOT do dat assignment. i wish. *sigh*
Sadstress 2: i haf my Java test on Fri @ 3.15pm. yesss..n de best ting is dat i end skul @ 1pm. So wadd?? Had to wait fer 2.5hr jus to sit fer dat 30 pathetic mins test??! *cursing* And waitt. i got a date on Fri wif Fahn. to watch 'Ghost Train' together. N bcos of dat pathetic test, we had to cancel our sickening is dat??! Fahn has to werk @ 6pm, so dere’s no way we can catch dat movie in less den 2hrs rite??! *heartpain*
Sadstress 3: it was announced jus now dat whoeva register no. above 60, haf to cum @ 6.30pm fer de Japenese listening test. n those under 60, cum @ 6pm. n noe wad is my register no.?? 61!! Freaked! Bullshitte! im soooo unlucky! So from 5 to 6.30pm, wad m i supposed to do?? Laze around in skul?? Phuck!
Sadstress 4: im officially broke dis month!! im feeling sooo depress living on dis earth without money! i sooo wanna shop n my shopping list is getting longer n longer..but how in de world m i suppose to dig fer money??! *screaming fer help*
Sadstress 5: GUYS R DRIVING ME CRAZY!! NUTS maybe! *ergh*
Soo..dere goes my top5 sadstress. How??! *raise eyebrows*
jus tink positive Dirah. Ouh gawd! im not goin to live lyke dis. Kip telling myself all de fake stuff n giving false hope to myself.
Hold on. mayb happy stuff is on de way..
Thursday: dere's a hiphop fest goin on at Kembangan. Yaaayyy..just my luck dat i finished skul @ 3pm. gurls or anione..wanna be my date?? Or mayb my dance partner?? Anione...?
Saturdae: attending a concert, Gentarasa, @ indoor stadium. Something lyke a PENTAS thingy, xcept fer dis one is more grand. *wondering* Wad should i wear??
Sunday: im all freee..anibodie, jus ring me up..or mayb im goin town wif fahn. i dunnoe..or mayb im spending de dae sleeping..or down to pool again! Gonna dcide veriiee soon. *excited*
Shitee! Bodoh peh mosquito..i got 3 dots on my legs n it's freaking itchy. *scratch scratch* Goodness! i cannot help it..cold water! i nid u.. Meanwhile, gudnyte dears! *runnnnnnnn*
p/s: ouh u noe wad gerl???! Dat tee or shirt dat ur fwend is having on, is totally sooo common! Call dat high-class, wen it's blardie hell common.! *Shheesssshhh* Can u find my unique Bugis tee on anione else apart from me?? Go figure! 
That's It For Today. Goodbye.