Thursday, June 02, 2005 8:43 AM ;||*meaningless is SOO me*|| finally finally. ive changed my template. so how does it look?? niceee or sucks??! haha..lyke i care sooo much abt ur comments. remember dat dae wen i blogged sayin' dat im goin to find a Volcom skin?? soo yeah, looked thru de blogskins n it sucks. totally. cant help it but it's sooo to de boys taste. not to a girl lyke here i m, so in luv wif dis skin instead. reallie meaningful n true. dont u tink soo?? hehs!! cut de crap! ouh well, im stuck in de skul lib now. lyke yaa..ive finished my skul @ 4.30pm. no, actuallie i was supposed to attend dis Japanese concert thingy at 3pm. soo yaa..i went dere jus to get my attendance taken, sat fer a while n yawn non-stop. n suddenly,my mind went blank. i fall asleep. haha..i sucha a bum. cant help it u concert is totally dumb n lame. GAWD!! see, dey gaf us 10mins break, so dats de chance to grab! cabut lagik! haha..while walking out de auditorium, i turned around to see de crowd in de auditorium, n guess wad??! lyke half of de ppl cabut!! baik arh..sekaki not goin to be stuck dere oke! it's enuf fer me to crack my brains on Japanese. satu benda pun aku tak paham. n still, i had to squeeze my face hard n cramp my brain to understand wad de hell is de Jap cher talking about. nak kater sleng, tak jugak..nak kater penyek, macam..haiyo! reallie regret taking up dat CDS. i should jus go fer sociology..or wadeva. seriously anitink apart from Jap. *sigh* so rite now, im waiting fer rabia to finish skul @ 6pm. n mayb afta dat we can chill. i noe, im sucha switheart waiting fer u. dun nid to remind me. hehs! u see, i refuse to go home. it's lyke realli mendak goin home in de aftanoon wen u can actualli meet up wif some bunch of ppl n chill, rite? rite. n yups. talking abt gurlfrens, i miss dem loads n loads n loads. i guess onli my heart noes how much i miss u gerls. we nid some tyme to catch up wif our 'meeting up' oke?? maybe slack around or jus chill out. so ladies, pls buzz me.. *muacks* lup u gerls. wad else?? ouh..ive just uploaded Mr Vegas' Tamale club remix for my blog. don't u jus luv de song?? wanna shake some booty fer me?? haha..syasya made my dae yesterday. she was sending me songs thru msn fer my MP3, n all of a sudden, i heard dis song playing. i was sooo jumping up n down. y??! bcos i was finding de title of dis song fer weeks. n finally, finally, everything ended wif a phew! soo dere goes my MP3, reggae! *grind ppl* *groove* and and.. dis song is especialli dedicated to rabia. feel it baby. man luv dat song, soo u must too! hehs! guess i haf to stop blogging now. i noe, dis is another of my meaningless entry. cant blame me u see..i got lotsa meaningless stuff to brag about. soo..phuck off if u hate craps! haha.. *time checking* gonna be 6 soon. haf a great tyme listening to reggae. be my dance partner peeps! That's It For Today. Goodbye.