Tuesday, June 21, 2005 12:49 PM ;||*soo much to do YET so lyttle time*|| i plead guilty fer changing my blogskins TOO often. Haha..yup..ive lyke noting betta to do den updating my blog TOO often. i dunnoe, im de kinda person who gets sick of something easily. Veriee fast. Soo..i hope you ppl appreciate my hardwork of finding de tyme to change de template n stuff. Hehs! Well well..let me just tell de truth larh eh..no nid to turn de story too far. Orang mlayu kater banyak bebual. Hehe..skul started @ 1pm todae but i suggested to syasya on cuming to skul early @ 10.30am instead bcos i die die mus do research on my Japanese assignment. Tea Ceremony. Haha..veriee slenger n kental i mus say.. *shrugs shoulder* So..all de smangat came rushing to me de moment i landed my two feets in de school compound. but sooo unfortunely, all of a sudden, de smangat all hapus de moment i sit in front of de comp. Friendster. Update blog. Change blogskins. Hotmail. Update photobuckets. Bloghopping. Friendsterhopping. Woooo!! Sooo much to do yet sooo little tyme. haha.. And yaaaa..i was lyke telling myself "Dirah!!! Cumon! U nid to do ur research! Uve got noo more tyme left to do..!" And it'll just go "wadeva. wadeva." *eyes rolling* Hehs.. n finally finally finally, ive did some reseach on Tea Ceremony fer a pathetic 20mins. Hehe..had to force myself u see. n dooop! A whole junk of de research on Japanese Tea Ceremony in de Microsoft Word. *phew* Jus nid a lil bit of summarizing n im done. hopefully. *shut eyes n prays hard* So skul ended @ 5pm todae. chill fer a while @ de small mac wif dem before heading home @ 7.15pm. n here i am blogging wen im supposed to do some summarizing on de Jap assignment. seriously, im slacking dis semester. Skipped my ROSW lecture jus now n spent de tyme worthwhile by eating French fries in de canteen. *evil smile* My toddlers, before i leave u ppl..here's a joke by Eve. Kinda lame n pathetic, but fer sure, u'll crack into laughter. "what is de difference btw de shit from ur nose n de plate?" Ans: de plate is on de table n de shit from de nose is under de table. Get it? get it?? *pimp laugh* De nite is still young to sleep.. ive got an assignment to complete. See ya! That's It For Today. Goodbye.