Sunday, October 16, 2005 2:57 PM ;||*lovers will always be together*|| it's been four freaking days since i haf my flu. and im still having it, if ure wondering. i guess 1 tissue box is not enough. perhaps two?? im not kidding. my throat feels so hot! and all i wan to do is sleep but i can't bcos im having an empty stomach. grrr..! let's put dat aside. i had so much fun yesterday. let me tell you the fantastic story. i was supposed to meet rabia n man at Paya Lebar mrt BUT i was late. is dat something new? no. haha..blame fahn and nassier. they were e ones who're late. not me. serious rabia, u gotta trust me..pretty please.. okay wadeva. leha reached there on time and she had troublesome finding a toilet. dat girl arh, nampaksah sangat tak penah turun geylang. hehs! at first, we tout of breaking our fast at Haig Road, but it seemed crowded. so we settled for those lighter foods. believe it or not, fahn paid for all my food. love you! we bought kebab, keropok lekur, beef Burger Ramli, apam pulau pinang and Katirah drinks. yummy! and nothing's new, my stomach was bloated afta dat. haha.. walked around next. fahn was supposed to buy a black kurung to match with me BUT nothing's in mind yet. perhaps e next time. geylang was not dat packed yesterday. but it was veriee hot especialli if u were to be trapped in the middle of the bazaar. i found my candy floss! yippee..! again, fahn paid for me. he's being so nice to me. a lil weird though. haha.. walked around aimlessly until i saw dis marvelous pair of sandal. wonder y it caught my attention?? bcos it's pink. and it's perfect for casual wear wif jeans. i like..might consider it. was drooling over other sandals wen suddenly, yes, wen suddenly i saw a BIG cockroach in the stall. i was about to alert rabia n ailah wen ailah told me dat there's a BIG cockroach beside me. i jumped and shrieked, obviously. so dere was two cockroaches! freaked! now im considering if i should enter the stall ever again for that pink sandal. we ran out of the stall, pushed the salesgirl aside, without even thanking her. gross! it however, freaked me out for another 10mins. eww! had nowhere to go aftarall. ended up in Malay Village and as usual, that place is like the second SPCA. cats were roaming around freely, scaring the hell outta me! and i too, were running around, not bcos i wanted to imitate the cats, but it's rather bcos the cat was chasing me! dyem it! and came this anak terbiar a.k.a aceh, pinched the cat's neck and carried it nearer to me. i was running and shouting like a mad girl, seeking help from fahn, but he did nothing. so i hid behind man instead. if ure wondering who's the aceh im referring to, he's none otha than nassier who loves to irritate me. so i went "kau nie knaper? aku tak kacau kau kan..aku tumbuk muka kau, baru tahu tau." and they laughed bcos they knew i haf no punching skills. ![]() dis is wad he did to attract the attention of cats.. grr..! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() dcided to head the mrt since we had nowhere to go anymore. rabia n man wanted to walk another round before heading home, so we left them. and in the mrt, even the most annoying thing can happen. it's alwas annoying if u hear nassier n fahn annoyed each other. saying who's short and who's bigger in size. Bah! okayy man, u win alright? it took me awhile to realise that beef = lembu. he pathetically told the burger Ramly man dat ive just landed Spore, thus dunnoe dat beef = lembu. Pfuit! and im always the walking digicam. ouh ya. ive just received two mails. both are from farhan. read dis dat's written in one of the cards. "raya tahun ni, saya bukan hanya nak makan kuih raya ataupun nak ketuk duit raya dari awak..tapi..nak peluk awak jugak sebagai tanda betapa saya saying kan awak..!! bley..??" sweeeet rightt? i smiled afta reading it..yes hunnie, sometimes it's nice to receive a card from you ALTHOUGH we haf dis invention called Technology. and the other card was from farhan's family. all signatures were inside. his mom, his dad, his two sisters n his bro. and i haf difficulties tryna figure oput which is who's signature. they are really the bright light in my life. now im wondering..must i send u a card too..?? That's It For Today. Goodbye.