Thursday, October 13, 2005 6:16 AM ;||*even i haf to tell u dat*|| believe it or not..i just woke up from my eva-beauty sleep. i slept for 12long hours and now i feel so much energetic. ive passed out i guess.. dat is why u dun see me blogging in de morning. and seriously, i dun feel like blogging right now, but i cant jus leave my lovelies rightt? see..atleast i haf all of you in my heart. oh no, near my heart bcos the onli person who's in my heart is fahn. haha.. talking about him, ive realized that im missing him. and ive yet to return his msg. i told him i will be sleeping til noon, and dat DUN call me, jus a msg will do. hehe..bcos i haf this sickness of being unable to sleep back afta talking on the phone. especially wif him. sucha DUDE! okayy..i was supposed to go Watson-and-Guardian shopping with rabia todae but till now she hasn't ring me up yet. probably she's still sleeping too. ouh dat girl..she can even wake up longer than me..yes! and most probably i wun be goin honey, perhaps tomorrow? see lil adeq nids my help in Maths. she's facing a Maths paper tomorrow. im gonna torture mean! maybe some real facts u nid to know about me. like the fact dat maths is my cup of tea BUT not english. i always screw up in english back then in sec school. and the fact that i once DID scored the highest for a Social Studies test. was only once. im proud to say that u cant basically score the highest if it weren't for ur exact info and umm..mayb good English?? and my paper was zapped for everyone..atleast i can be proud of dat. (adeq forced me to write dat) and the fact that one minute ago, im all joyful and the next minute, i cant be bothered to entertain you..haha! fahn always get that from me. yes..wad EXACTLY does a girl want? shoot me. another fact is dat my body is longer than my legs. sheeeesssh! do i haf to tell u dat? Pfuit! which means BIG DEAL in france. ive received my hp bill. $45. haha..seems like miss dirah noes everthing about saving. i forced mum to cook Mee Hoon Goreng today. my favourite, of course! bcos she's been cooking adeq's and sis' favourite, but not mine. according to her, im not the cerewek type, bcos i ate anyting dat she cooked without complaining. except her curry! okay.not onli her curry, othas too. finally ive found a new hobby for myself. im a bookworm now! even fahn laughed at me for dat. waddeheck?! in the first place, is it even funny? im missing fahn BADLY now. gonna call him n tell him dat i miss him. That's It For Today. Goodbye.