Sunday, October 09, 2005 5:08 AM ;||*can my feet do all the talking?*|| so i was supposed to help fahn's sis on her fwendster. to design a pink background for her and do all those necessary changes. but then, im really out of pink design. hmm..i guess ive to crack my brains. had tuition just now at 11am. how dreading! i wish i can continue sleeping..ergh! nvm though. i can alwas catch up with my sleep later in the afternoon. hopefully i'll wake up at 6pm. jus in time to help mom in the kitchen and break my fast. im feeling sooo hungry! darn! ouuhh..i guess ive yet to post pics of my new hair. im really not use to having short hair. really! i wanna dye it. to make my face look a lil matured and make myself cheerful? i guess soo.. ![]() from the back view.. ![]() from the side view.. ![]() and.. im tooo tired to smile. please DUN force me to smile. thanks Klearcut. let's see..i'll probably come down again for treatment. yess..the $15 voucher u gaf me isn't suppose to be wasted rightt? im going Geylang again today. dis time around wif my parents. yerp..they promised me to buy me heels plus a handbag. i seriously haf nothing in mind on wad handbag to use dis year. heels? i saw dis elegant black heels with only one strap infront and an outstanding black flower at the sides. gonna get dat! im in need of money now! im broke. ive to wait for another 2weeks before im officially a richgirl. 2weeks?! freaking late! im afraid tat EDC pants will be out of stock. god! i love it sooo much.. okay too tired to continue. please spare me all those craps. i wish i haf e tyme to entertain u, but even if i do haf the tyme, i rather spend it on shopping. so, talk to my feet! i miss u, b.. That's It For Today. Goodbye.