Saturday, October 08, 2005 2:26 PM ;||*huge big n bulging*|| i plead guilty for cutting my hair really SHORT! ouh yes..from elbow-length to shoulder-length. shocked?? i was too. it was fahn's idea, though. he said it'll be too boring to haf long hairs years afta years. it took nearly 4hrs to complete everything. and 4hrs of patience from fahn. i like my stylist and de assistance. they handle my hair really well and made sure im satisfied at every stage. thumbs up for their service! well, atleast it is worth my money. i haf shorter fringe. or should i say reaaaaally short fringe. right somewhere at my eyebrow. yay! i haf fringe, i haf fringe! it's really a sad thing to see all my hair lying on the ground. guess i haf to start keeping long hair all over again..sheeeeessh! it's not the end yet. ive to dye or highlight my hair again in three weeks time. yes..the color seems to fade away after rebonding and errr..i dunlike it. i'll see how it goes.. fahn thinks i look sweeter with short hair. rabia thinks i look cute and back-to-school gerl. syasya thinks it's the same as last year..hmm wad about me?? i think 18 is too old for me..haha. probably 16?! madness! i haf to tell you this. it's from fahn la. i complained to him dat i was sooo freaking hungry and dat my stomach is sooo kempis. it looks as if im on some killer diet. haha..he looked at me and rubbed my tummy. "it's betta la if u like dis. confirm afta we break our fast, u stomach will surely bulge out. not nice." ![]() do you tink i haf bulging tummy?? yes sir! im known for having huge and big tummy after eating. hmm..not my fault right? i tink he's exaggerating too much wen he said i'll look like a 5mths pregnant woman afta eating. cute mah. and so dat u will not freak out wen u really see dat im 5mths pregnant in years to cum. haha.. headed to Geylang at 5pm to find some foods for breaking our fast. let's see wad we bought there. keropok lekur, chicken kebab, katira drink and deng deng. yummylicious! we found a place somewhere at the Malay Village and ate there. afta eating, we walked around again aimlessly. yess..basically to let me exercise. so dat i will not go home wif a huge tummy. urgh! took the MRT to Pasir Ris. well, the nite is still too young so i accompanied him to Downtown to meet ben, zar, din and nassier. i tout i wasn't the only girl, so i entertained myself by playing with fahn's hp. cool arh dat game. and dey were talking craps dat i myself, who wasn't involve in the talks will laugh. cant hold back my laughter u see. they crapped like nobody's business. and half of the tyme, they will be talking about bikes. again and again..bah! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() i haf so much fun todae. but right now, im pissed off. i mean, why cant u just say nice stuff each time i came home wif a new hairstyle? am i wrong to say dat aftarall it's my money?? why dun u compare me wif someone who will never fail to buy new contacts every year at $300?! it's her dyem fucking money too rightt?! urgh! sometimes she's being too unfair. or am i being too paranoid?? That's It For Today. Goodbye.