Monday, October 10, 2005 4:47 AM ;||*pretty woman walking down the street*|| im back to tell u dat ive bought a new pair of heels. yes yes..the one dat im dying to haf. poppa bought it for me. i thought i was supposed to pay it by myself. haha..i guess dad can't see my pity face.. wanna see?? ![]() ![]() here's the close-up of the sweeet flower. well well well..wad do u tink?? pretty elegant rightt? wait till i slip my feet in it. hehe..okay im crapping too much. geylang yesterday was horrendous! serious. i can barely walked through the crowds. it's like..hmm at Mecca? i guess..let alone seeing the stuff they sold there. phew! and my shorty hair is doing me a superb favour. im cool. wanted to bump into rabia badly yesterday. but..obviously, cant la. so there you go, dis fri okay..? dun miss me too much. hehe! *grin* ouh ouh..and mercun exploded quite a number of times. it went 'bomb' and the next moment, u'll see sparkles. im not talking about you throwing a mercun in an open space tau. im toking about some brainless guys who purposely put a mercun in between the crowd! yes..crazy but it's true. and within 1min, the police will arrive. what if dat mercun hurt somebody? dun they think about the consequences? great. bcos the word 'brainless' was created for them. went to eat at Marhaba Restaurant. loving their Cheese Prata. it's only a freaking $1.50. compare the price to the coffeeshop dat sells all Indian Food infront of Temasek Poly. one cheese prata actually costs me $3. sheeesssh! was looking around afta eating wen i saw dis family. oke..let me recall. there's the father, mother, a younger brother n two older sister aging around 19 and 23 perhaps. and probably the 23yrs old sister brought along her fiances. oke..something like dat. im not dat TOOOO kpo. so..i was looking at them wen suddenly something really shocked me. their daughters were smoking infront of their parents. im like..waddehell??! and believe it or not, the parents said nothing, instead their dad was smoking too. gross! and the fiances wasn't smoking. double gross! soo..wad do parents nowadays are thinking?? dun they want their children to show some respect? okay fine, if not towards of them, atleast teach dem some manners on how to show respect towards outsiders la. if guys were to smoke infront parents, that is acceptable. but in this's the daughters. is the world turning upside down? okayy..less talk. probably i shouldn't mind their business. aftarall, im NOT related to dem! and i thanked God for dat. saw Roy yesterday. yes..the one from prcss. he's second language is Malay, mind you. he was walking with his guyfriends wen suddenly i heard someone calling out for my name. him: nadiiiiiiiiraaaah! me: ouhh..hi! him: maseh kenal tak nie saper? i smiled. he probably get it. obviously i remember you larh. u were sooo famous back then in sec school. and soo..i saw alot of people dere too. hello! obviously la, isnt geylang made up of people? danggg! goin Arab Street in jus a while. see ya! meanwhile, enjoy my heels! That's It For Today. Goodbye.