Tuesday, October 11, 2005 6:23 AM ;||*those are meant to be told*|| ouh.. ive changed my mind. i dun tink i wanna change my layout. i'll probably stick to dis layout for a couple of weeks more. actually, ive already came out wif a new layout BUT it didn't workout sooo well. in fact, it's eeewww! haha..i was neva shocked before seeing such an ugly layout dirah has created. so i guess, stripy background still rocks! de things dat ive changed were only the bottom part, which says "bcos u're part of me", the sidetitle background color - it's more pinky, hmm..the starflakes - ive deleted the red stars and replaced it with a more brighter pink stars, the scrollbar color and the border of dis table - if u could still remember, it used to be black, but now it's pink. dat's it. i cant get enuf of pink. seriously. every girl loves pink rightt? im hungry! dat is the sixth time im telling u since i started fasting six days ago. urgh..i guess it will sooner or later total up to 28times. haha..since we're fasting for 28 days. ouh ya..should minus the 7days im goin to get my period. blergh! can someone pls tell me wad will happen to someone if he or she kips sleeping right afta eating? gosh! ive been doin dat since the day i started having my sahur. im gonna be fat jackass! imagine having dis fat chic in my grandma's house first day of hari raye. if ure not turn-off, i am! hehe.. seriously, i cant wait to meet my gerls on Friday. let's say..triple date? fun-ness! dirah n fahn, rabia n man, ailah n usop. cool rite? been waiting for dat day to arrive. can i like fast forward my days please?? hmm.. as you can see or sense, im a lil depress becos im broke! dat is why im resorting to craps. urgh! fahmi told me short hair = not nice. really?! does dat haf to apply to me? alah..! let me tell u something. i was chased by a puppy 2days back. u'll say "aiyah! it's just a puppy." i will say "a puppy is still a dog rightt?" i was petrified okay! and to tell u, that puppy was NEVA cute to me, and it's not cute to see a puppy chasing afta a BIG gerl, who ran as if a big dog was chasing her. dumb ass! so now, my phobia towards dogs are being doubled! and my phobia towards cats are thrice! get it? but i tink, im used to fahn's cat. or maybe, still trying to get used to it. ohhh..right! okay..before my meaningless entry gets longer, i tink it's betta if i stop here. i cant wait to go to the chalet. im bringing fahn along. in case ure wondering miss syasya. wait for my next entry wif pictures. hopefully. toodles! you haf to wait patiently till heaven is on our side. and let nature do its stuff. anw, im touched. That's It For Today. Goodbye.