Saturday, October 15, 2005 5:35 AM ;||*new look new thing*|| alrighty. here we go again. dad's not working today and im sooo freaking afraid dat he will force me to do some housework. yes..and ive to do all those boys' work simply bcos i haf no brothers. let me name some, so dat u guys can get hold of wad kinda work i was told to do. polish all those wooden chairs, tables, doors and all. wipe all the windows and jus to let u noe, my house has 6long windows! vacuum all those 'hidden' dust. help him beautify the house, dat means ive to help him paint the house. maybe, dat's only some of it. who noes dis year ive to do MORE? blergh! i personally hate doing all those stuffs. hate it. pakal nak rumah cantik during rayer, if not.. and yesterday, dad asked me if i would like to repaint dat portion of the house. i stared at him in disbelief and went "i just painted it last year. and im the one who painted it oke. alah..uat pe nak paint lagik? troublesome la." yes..if only adeq and sis were born to be gifted or talented. bcos they're talentless in arts! let alone painting the house. i'll show you the portion of the house dat ive painted. ![]() let's get closer.. ![]() wad do u tink? does it nid a new look? i dun tink so.. and dad went 'but i dunwan dat anymore. i want a grey and black rocks instead.' dis is wad u get if u haf cerewek dad. i tink i haf no more choice. wait. i can still find another reason like..we can always repaint it next year instead. jus trying my luck. i know. dat is soooo frustrating! okay..put that away. im crashing geylang again today. yes ah! im goin to haf my burger Ramli today with Katirah drink. yummylicious! im sick of Kebab though. had dat the last time i went to break my fast with fahn. goin dere wif my crazy bunchies. ailah, rabia, man, fahn n nassier. superrr cool! they said, the more the merrier. i tink so too. im supposed to help fahn find a black kurung, since im wearing black dis year. mahu samer samer dong.. den we shall haf MY keropok lekur. make sure dis time around the keropok lekur is nice and crunchy. bcos the last time dat fahn bot for me, and according to nassier and din, it's like chewing gum! gawd! we had a hard time chewing dem and at last, we threw it away..funny shite! and fahn shall haf HIS neva-ending deng deng. grrr.. i cant write a long entry today. adeq is sitting bside me, waiting for me to start editing her new layout. dumb ass! u wanna black n pink rite? alrighty! see wad wonders dirah can do to ur blog. ive to go before she screams at me. wad should i wear later..?? hmm.. That's It For Today. Goodbye.