Monday, October 10, 2005 1:41 PM ;||*wad is SHY all about*|| im back from arab street. and i break my fast at Banquet. it was sis' idea. i still tink Banquet is not my place. i kinda dunlike their foods dere. dun ask me why. im still searching for the answer. anyway, amazingly amazing, their Lamb Chop was delicious! pe. haha..mum bought it for me and it costs her $6.80. yes..freaking expensive huh?? i swear i was having a hard time slicing the lamb. bcos firstly, i nid to kip in mind dat im outside, ladylike dirah. secondly, sis' hand was too big. she kept squeezing at me, for i dunno wad reason. thirdly, im too hungry and all i wan to do is kip feeding myself with the lamb wheneva i finished chewing one. and i ended up feeling tired rather than a full stomach. haha..anw, i haf fun slicing the lamb. okayy..u dunhaf to tell me. im crapping too much here. u noe, for the last years im wif fahn, only now i realized dat the word 'shy' is not within OR in me anymore. i'll tell u why, but promise me u wun laugh OR even giggle. promise? Number 1 i eva fart infront of fahn and i tried to pretend it wasn't me, but sadly, he heard my cute fart. and he laughed. he told me not to fart infront of him again, it's sucha turn-off. but hello mr fahn, if farting dat matters, i duntink i can hold back. haha..especialli infront of you. bcos i believe, my fart will smell like strawberry bcos we're in love. yes? Number 2 i remembered falling at the staircase FLAT on my butt. n it hurts. he wasn't bside me, bcos if he's bside me, atleast he can't see my first face expression wen i fall, but im talking about..he was standing infront of me! he was waiting for me at the void deck and happened to be, he stood infront of the straircase. i was smiling at him wen i got down the staircase, BUT luck was not on my side. i fell and he saw EVERYTHING. shy?? was at first, but afta dat, he helped me rubbed my butt. Number 3 burping is a gross thing to do. especially infront of someone who u really love OR admire. right? but sorry hunnie, i'll burp wen i think i cant do myself a favour, by burping softly. sumtimes, u dun plan to burp quietly, bcos eventually, it WILL become loud. Number 4 so wad if he eva saw my armpit not fully shaved? okayyy..aftarall promises are meant to be broken. thanks for laughing. ive made up my mind. im goin to the chalet tomorrow nite. u noe wad i feel like doin now?? changing to a new layout. a new pink layout. oke..maybe i'll still use dis layout, but wif a different pics and colour. can?? dat will be the 11th layout on vivalicious-dirah. we'll see.. That's It For Today. Goodbye.