Tuesday, October 18, 2005 7:23 AM ;||*bring it on lil cousin*|| im tired plus a lil bit hungry. im sick and tired of eating the same old ting during sahur my momma. please cook something else..okayy? for the past three days, i haf dis habit of goin to bed right afta my sahur. yes..it'll eventually makes me fat! i know.. ouh well..what else can i do..? mally, are u sure i looked thinner? u mus be kidding sweetie. i alwas tout i looked chubbier. well, maybe maaaayb, i do lose some weight. but on the other hand, dis new short hair might jus makes me looked thinner. u decide though. let's get on about my hair, shall we? i tink it's starting to get a lil smoother. and im starting to like my hair. gawd..who cares if short hair = not nice, u freak! i think it suits me. wait till i see u face2face. i'll make sure u go flat on my toes. haha.. my new hair look was supposed to be a secret, u smelly cousins! urgh..now ive to start planning on wad else i should do to my hair. well..dis is OUR raya routine. we will gather at our grandmere's house, and then start being a lil bitchy like.. "ouh god! u perm ur hair?" OR "goodness, why is ur hair sooo black? did u dye it black?" OR "look who's here. matsalleh celup larh.." OR "ur new hair is sooo great! but i think u looked great with ur last year's hairstyle." and blab blab blab. sounds fun rite?? but thanks to often-bumping-into-my-cousins-at-geylang, i tink the secret or rather surprise is outt! alahai.. let me conclude all their say. my hair is funky, too layered and ergh..i looked a lil more matured and im being too daring. for all i noe, i AM being daring. i went out with my family yesterday. okayy hunnie, ive bot raya cards for you. just wait for the postman to deliver it to ur mailbox okayy? im sweeeet rightt? cant wait for my little pay tomorrow and 1 week 3 days more to my big pay. cant wait cant wait cant wait suddenly, i feel sooo kental. i still love dis song. shoot me. i dunnoe why.. That's It For Today. Goodbye.