Monday, August 29, 2005 8:48 AM ;||*wen words are written in rhyme*|| Yesterday's goals, dim memories. Dark saddened eyes, blurring with tears. Painful scars borne; Love's history. Futures crumble when doubt appears. Apologies made, never bought. Price paid turned out far too costly. Though never known what would be wrought - Must walk into the night softly. One wish, only to be released. Granted - now receive this token. Words written in rhyme, love's deceased. When promises made...were broken. my tears are dry and i cant bring myself to cry again. i dun understand y tings are happening dis way..i always see u as someone who is different from others. i treat u sooo special becos i lurve you. n i know ure not lyke any other guy. but now, it even occurred to me dat ure just the same. saying a different stuff but doin a different ting. i admit i didn't haf dat courage to ask u dear. bcos im afraid of the truth. im afraid to know the truth from you. dats how deep i love you. if dat person didn't cum forward, i will neva know wads goin on. i dun blame u dear, bcos u didn't start it outt first. but wad im disappointed was dat, y didn't u tell me wads goin on?? why do you keep me in the dark??! if u love me so n if ure trying to be truthful to me, den dun u tink tings will be much betta if you tell me earlier?? im confuse. i dunnoe wad else im supposed to do. i stayed up alone at nite yest, sitting bside myself on de bed, tinking wad would happen next. and so, i called fahmi to help me outt. im sorie i called u at 2am boy. thanks fer ur help aniway. dirah will alwas do wad she gotta do. and im not afraid of wads goin to happen. noone else can change my mind about dat. and ive confronted her. lyke wad i said, we're gerls. u should noe betta how im feeling. i wouldn't approach you if i dun love him. n obviously, u dun wish the same ting to happen between u n ur guy too ritee? so..know ur limits gerl. dis may sound infantile, but dats me. i couldn't help it. do you know how miserable i am right now?? i neva tout these tings will happen to us one day. on top of all dat, i still do love him. was talking to fahn on the fon yest wen his momma came into our conversation. i was hiccoughing over the fon, and his mom added "dun worry gurl. momma b is here. dun worry a ting about farhan okayy. rest assured dat i will look afta him too okayy..?" sweet of her right. dats y i love having her as my mother-in-law-to-be. she'll make sure tings will sit right for us. now u tell me. am i lucky to haf his parents' n my parents' support?? they've been sooo supportive of me and fahn. it's every couple dreams to gain support from their parents. the goin-to-be 3years relationship i've gone thru with fahn means alot to me. we make the good times better and the hard times easier. and i can't see myself in years to come without him. im not ashamed to say dat i need his love, warmness, care n himself to live. wad im tryna say is dat, i need him in my life as much as i nid my parents. ![]() you will always have my heart, i hope you know it too. i will never love anyone, the way dat i love you.. That's It For Today. Goodbye.