Saturday, August 27, 2005 1:36 PM ;||*tings happen wen u least expect*|| i bot myself a white sandal. sooo cool. lurve it. it's wad ive been wanting since..erm..last month?? yupp. tryna find the unique pair of sandal fer myself. n so..dis is not lyke wad u see on others, but onli on me. fahn tagged along. n i bot fer him a brown leather bracelet. say thank you to me okayy..? n dat is NOT ur bdae present dear. obviously. bcos i'll make sure i'll buy u sumting special n memorable jus for my baby. *kish kish* ![]() ![]() "ure pretty larh today" "ure gorgeous too today" *shrugs* n who would eva thought it wouldnt last till the end of the day. we started our day very well. n i lurve de way u treat me. wif so much love and care. for once, u made me feel as if the whole world belongs to only you n me, n noone else. im blessed perhaps. blessed to have you by my side. to make me happy n to carve a smile on my face every now and den. do you know how much i longed for this?? do you know that u made me fall in love wif you all over again?? do you..? maybe, those questions will only be left unanswered now. bcos i neva expect dat u would disappoint me again. to you, i may be overeacting over sucha small ting. but to me, u're lying. no. it's not bcos u forget to tell me dat ting. it's bcos u dun intend to tell me, dats y u forget to tell me. dat's de reason dear. i tried to cool myself down but i just cant. for how long will u make me feel lyke dis??! full of shitte. and the least ting dat i could ask myself was.. what wrong haf i done to you to deserve all dis. again n again. i dunnoe. wadeva is goin thru in ur mind now, is not exactly wad is going thru in my mind. im totally upset. n now, i dunnoe if you could ever make me feel lyke a goddess again. impossible. i'll jus let time pass us. n i'll let time to decide wad will happen to us next. bcos tings will happen wen u least expect. ![]() goodnite. That's It For Today. Goodbye.