Friday, August 26, 2005 12:47 PM ;||*hott pink*|| i feel lyke blogging again. im sooo jealous of emily. reallie. goodness..i adore her phone lyke nobody's business. it's soo hot pink. n i jus freaked out the moment i saw dat phone in her hand. for pink lovers, please dun freak out yet. i'll show you wad i meant by hott pink. ![]() ![]() pink lovers, now u get wad i mean?? now u get the idea of how i freaked out?? now u noe how bad i want dat phone?? veriieeee bad! but ive to wait for my line to reach its 21st mth, so dat i can upgrade my line together wif my phone. n i soooo cant wait fer dat miracle to happen. n now, how i wish i can fast-forward the days. *sigh* i'ma let dad noe how much i really really really wan dat phone. Panasonic VS2. sooner or later. was gossiping wif adeq just now. so funn! n we came to dis topic - friendster. i told her how ketinggalan dat someone is. friendster is lyke sooo not hot nowadays n ppl are starting to get sick of friendster, including me. but, somebody jus realise how much changes it can do to ur profile wen u often change ur pics. *pimp laugh* time lambat la ooiiii.. wadeva. feeling sooo restless now. n i jus dumped my tuition kid wif comprehension jus now. im reallie not in de mood to gif tutor. i gaf her 30mins to complete the 10questions. yet she was whining non-stop. everybody hates comprehension. everybody hates english. but still, u haf no choice in exams. ritee? so jus do it n get over it larh. *sigh* anyhoos.. i cant wait fer tomorrow. thought of shopping jus make me feel sooo dyem excited! haven-ness. *skipping around* please dun mix up punk wif rnb okayyy? BIG difference. dun u noe, dun u noe??! sickening. *roll eyes* ive learnt two short forms today. HTHGTG. meaning 'heran tak heran, goyang tak goyang'. TTG. meaning 'The Gemuk Gang'. from syasya n fahn respectively. goodness. wad a bunch of craps! keep laughing.. i gonna catch o.c later. That's It For Today. Goodbye.