Friday, August 26, 2005 1:52 AM ;||*muchalot n banyakalot*|| im busy. too busy. i promise to be back.. dun miss me too much okayyy..? not good fer ur health.. *hehs* im gladd dat anndreanna msg-ed me yest. "mestila aku ingat adik kesayangan aku nie. miss kau muchalot sae. biler nak dtng jumpa aku pat bishan nie??" and i replied.. "aku sayang kau jugakk. banyakalot. okayy..nanti fri or sun aku turun saner okayy?? ey, kau biler nak kahwin??" haha..i simply lurve asking her dat everytyme she msg-ed me. sooo funky adorable. dats it. ive given her my words. cant wait to see u ann! i'll surely-murely take a photo wif her okayy..sooo, stay tune. *smile* im lyke cum she noes dat im missing her?? it's been months since i last saw her..miss all those working days. too craziee n happening! im pissed off. but i'll just maintain. screw u! shheeeessshhh.. i cant waitt for friday to cum. SHOPPING!! That's It For Today. Goodbye.