Sunday, August 28, 2005 2:07 PM ;||*ure NOT jus a line in my book*|| Since i met you, ive fallen in love with you at least a hundred times for a hundred different reasons. i couldn't tell you the exact moment i feel in love with you.. it just seems like my life was a whole lot happier, all of a sudden. i found myself smiling more, being more patient with people, and humming little melodies for no reason at all. when you came into my life, the sky suddenly seemed bluer, the sun seemed brighter, and it felt like spring all the time.. you bring me so much joy that i don't know what i'd do without you. and today gives me the chance to tell you than you mean more to me than anything else in the world. thank you for bringing me more happiness than i ever thought possible. i love you, and i know i always will.. *aaaawwwww* sucha touching poem. i adulate it so much. i called him to work tings out. i hate to be left alone, with no phone calls n sweet messages from him. fact is, i can't live without him. no matter how much he hurts me, how much he let me shed my tears for him, i can never stop loving him. in fact, those are the little ingredients that were added into ur love life to make it more tasty. the ups and downs that we've gone thru, were one of the reasons why our relationship is still sooo strong. he added colours into my black n white life. he's lyke the pallet, n im the paintbrush. and im glad we're back as per normal. i love him so. n i miss him. dis is sooo weird. how cum im the onli one in the family who drinks Uncle Djengot's Bandung Banana drink??! it's really tasty okayy although it's a milk drink. mom bot 3 cans fer herself, but after drinking half a can, she puked. *gross* so im left at home wif adeq now. was supposed to go to our cousin's bdae chalet but instead, we chose not to go. well actually, dad's de one who told us not to go, if possible. bcos he didn't want dat someone to start blaming me again fer no reason. and he hate it wen dat someone scolded his very own daughter. be perfect, he hates her. just lyke how i hate her. i called her witch. *bad bad* wadeva bcos i enjoy every sec of my life staying at home, doin pathetic n not so important stuff. lyke now. n facing the comp fer 3hours, wen actuallie, i can do some revising. talking about revising, the exams are just in 2weeks tyme, n ive done no revision. im simply enjoying the upcoming one week break, wen it was supposed to be a study week. Blergh! im dead. ahhhhh..i feel so much refreshing afta indulging myself in a hot bath. jus wad i need. n i lurve it. mom's lemon bath really made my body smell..hmm..yummy yummy! i wish i can do dis every single morning. amazingly, i took a nap just now in de afternoon. i fall asleep again while watching Honey. i was supposed to capture her dance moves, but instead, i fall asleep onli afta 20mins of watching it. sucha sleepyhead! rabiaaaa..thanks fer dropping by at my house jus now. so rajin of you to send ur VS hair straightener to me. haha..n im sorry fer peeping at u guys from my room window. both of you were jus sooo loving dat i couldn't help but to peep. and partly, thanks to both of you. bcos seeing how sweet n romantic both of you are, it somehow managed to soften my heart. n dat's part of de reason why i called fahn to settle our problems. i love u rabiaa.. in someways, uve helped me outt. *kishalot* done. gonna watch Honey all over again. n hopefully, dia tyme round, i dun fall asleep. dad..haf fun at de chalet. haha..n dun be too sarcastic in front of her okayy?? maintain! *bes of luck* gotta remind myself again. psst psst..dun forget to do some shaving. lalala..pretend u didnt read that line. see you! That's It For Today. Goodbye.