Saturday, August 20, 2005 11:46 AM ;||*smell de weekends*|| ive finally shoot down one of my projects, rosw. *phew* i kinda screwed up during the interview but wad de heckk. i managed to get 8 out of 10. not badd huh??! haha.. so enuf of dat. i dun wish to cnue blabbering abt my projects cos i tink dere's a whole lot more to go. n im left wif onlie one week. now i wish dat someone is kind enuf to rescue me in my java. n ofcourse, dat is sooo fat hope dirah. *roll eyes* de clouds are simply beautiful. totally. and dere's only one tiny weeny bright star in de sky. how i wish i could lay under the sky next to him, watching the clouds and the twinkling star. i'll call dat romantic. *drifting away..* de clouds are moving away, covering dat bright star, veri soon. goodness, im amazed. *wide grin* played pool with adeq just now at pavilion. dat pool place is totally havoc. songs were played at full blast dat u will simply enjoy urself despite the place being a lil pack-o. all those monkeys were dere. johnny, ahboon, luke, hot papa, yok, wei chao n john. i got the pool table which was located on de first level. quite amazing to see more malays dere than chi. nonetheless, i won in de game again. boohoo my adeq. sucha pity. nevamind, de more u practice, de more sharper ur skills are. sooo, play pool often la..haha! and beat me. *stick out tongue* dere's dis one tyme wen i shot 4 solid balls at one go. adeq was sooo pissed off. i can see datt. hehe..try harder beb! de cost wasn't dat high afterall. atleast 8bux an hour. quite affordable. went to eat at long john's silver. im craving fer their fish wrap. duper haven-ness. wassup wif those three gerls n dat one guy dere?? stared at me lyke as if i owed dem bucks. im soo used being stared aniwae, big deal. as long as dey do noting harmful to me, im cool. n like finally, i got de chance to wish yan a happy 18th belated bdae. soriee, i got ur birthdate mixed up. but eyy, atleast i DO remember dat ur bdae is in august okayy.. where onlie all de swit n cool babies are born. *clear throat* i tink syasya's starting to strongly agree wif me. haha..mean-est u! put up a wishlist on ur blog la syasyaaaa. im having a hard tyme trying to find a bdae present fer u tau! atleast i noe wad u longed for rightt??! Baby if you give it to me, I'll give it to you, I know what you want.. Does dat ring a bell syasya??! yes..dat is soooo loooooong ago okayy gino? Hehs! atlast i saw her from de back. she aint dat sweet aftarall. she's too short, i agree. yerp, and she got a broad shoulder, which is a no no fer gerls. anyway, she's photogenic. dat matters. urgh! u noe who im missing de most rightt now??? my hunnie. it's a pain to see him working all nite. and it's a sad ting to haf only urself at nite. Blergh! i agree most wif lyana when she typed, "somebody, fire him!!". haha..and den i can haf him allll by myself at nite. eyyy ya gerl, i saw u just now in school. ure at level 1 n im at level 3. too far to call out fer ur name. haha..ure simply pretty n adorable in dat orange tee. i loike. okayy dad. i'll buy de highway code book as soon as ive completed my exams and thanx fer fetching me up just now. im too tired to take a bus home afta all those funn im having outside. hehe.. n i tink, summer's sweeter than marissa. i can smell de weekends! time to chill peeps. gonna catch up wif my sleep now. or perhaps, watching a dvd. it's been sooo long since i last touch de dvd player. *tsk tsk tsk* toodles! That's It For Today. Goodbye.