Tuesday, August 23, 2005 3:35 PM ;||*let me do my stuff*|| let's start off wif some skul stuffs. tcs's assignment is ALL over. *phew* thanks nurul n especialli abidin (although i swear i dunnoe him) fer helping me in java. without u two, i'll die fer sure. But now, atleast i haf the confidence i'll pass. maceh alotalot. now im stressing about my mobcomp. servlet not done yet. Date due is on thurs. mati gua!! nvm, i'll haf to tink of an alternative veriieee soon. okayy..done dat part. tings are still not goin in my way. too cold between us. i dunnoe. i jus nid more tyme to accept him back. n accept him fer all his wrongdoins. i admit dat i cant leave him bcos i still do love him n cherish him. believe it or not, i do miss him alot, but my heart is still soo sore. so dear, i guess we nid to take a break. we nid some gap between us. give me some tyme n space. i dunnoe how long i will take.. i noe i wasn't suppose to react in dat manner just now. i noe im being infatile. but i guess, i couldn't help it. say u love me, say u love me but u're never there for me.. u'll be crying, slowly dying when i decide to leave baby we need some time alone we need to let it breathe.. yes dear..we do some time alone. i'll let u be alone for some tyme, n u let me be alone too. i tried to move on without you, but i cant. i jus cant. ![]() i think about you everyday 24 7 boy in every way Try to move on but what can i say Noone else can take your place apart from all those miseries, i tried to put a smile on my face. i dunwan momma n poppa to know dat her daughter's heart has been broken. so i tagged along to Arab Street with dem yesterdae. hoping to put everyting bhind.. went to Kampung Glam first. aunt set up a stall dere. tings n business were sooo bad there, due to the weather. pity her alot. hmm..while waiting fer her to pack up at 6pm, we went to Arab Street first to get ourselves cloths for Hari Raya. yaaa..im lyke so super excited. planned of wearing red dis year. vogue huh??! haha.. but instead, it was adik who got herself an orange kain. Unfair-ness! i should say thanks to razif for brainwashing u. haha.. nvm, i'll make sure i look lyke some kinda hot chic dis year. hehe..we'll alwas be fighting, trying to beat one another. from dressing to hairstyle to make-up to accessories n even to high heels. crazie u mus say. but dat is soooo true. n people will jus say we looked lyke twins. *roll eyes* ![]() twins???! momma bot herself a kain also. Her's waaaayyyyy expensive den us. it's okayy aniwae. ure the queen n poppa's de king. so..haf it ur way. *smile* ![]() as u can see..im just being de extra ONE there..i lurf pics okaayy.. apart from dat, can i say dis to ya all proudly??! I GOT THE TICKETS TO ANUGERAH!! yessh! im NOT lying. *jumping up and down* Thanks boy. im ur priority rightt?? it's a mus to ajak me. i noe i noe. im sooo shy wen ur momma said dat u insist on her giving the tickets to me. im his pujaan. reallie. n im still shy dat both out parents noe how CLOSE we are okayy.. lyke u fetching me from work last year. waaaaay embarrassing. haha..n those ouh so sweet and romantic smses. gosh! who will expect we'll get DAT close. *shakes head* whateva it is, im sooo excited fer next monday! i promised ur momma n my momma dat i'll do a BIG n outstanding banner just fer you. yeah ciko, we support u all de way.. suara adeq unique arh. cute arh. cute arh. hehs! okayyy..enuf of datt. i'll be waiting fer mon nite to cum.. i loike.. so on sunday, im off to town. dat's how excited n crazie i am. n rabia, i nid ur help too. will call u up veriieee soon. *way to go* watched american's next top model just now. ouhmygawd! i swear it freaked me out seeing how bad n how fast michelle's skin was peeling off. gross! n now, i vow to myself dat i'll neva eva change my makeup brand. *clench fist n place close to heart* so peeps, if ure tink of buying me makeup stuff, take note of dis. verieee important! loreal fer my makeup powder n foundation. missha fer my eyeshadow, mascara n eyeliner. n red earth fer my blusher. thanks! *which i noe noone will buy fer me* haha.. That's It For Today. Goodbye.