Thursday, August 18, 2005 10:16 PM ;||*gerl at de last minute*|| ive some tyme to kill while waiting fer de rite tyme to go to school. im sooo sleepyy. i wondered why i woke up at 6.15am wen instead, i can wake up at 6.45am. dat i onlie realise wen i was bathing. dangggg! *shittos* im having a mobcomp lab test later which i dun even bother to study. dun mention to study, believe it or not, i just printed out all de notes yest nite. now u can see how useless n pathetic i am. sooo nott in de mood fer any tests. im simply being bothered by my neva-ending projects. i wonder wen will i kill all those projects. it'll be a load of my shoulder, fer sure! *sigh sigh sigh* i wish i could haf my 1day sleep. realliee. but i guess, ive to waitt till exams are over. supeerrr late. daddy's being a lil bit weird. i mean, he's acting lyke a kid lately. how do u explain those behaviour?? dad came home wen i was busily tidying the shoe rack. he said 'hi', so i replied back to him. n he cnued, "papa saw you just now." i turned. shitte. ouh gawd! did i do anyting foolish wen he see me? "reallie arh?? where??" please please please dun trap me dis tyme. and he onlie raised his eyebrows. i kip looking at him, waiting impatiently fer an answer. Lyke a baby waiting impatiently fer her milk. "now larh." hahaha. *sarcastic laugh* dat was soooo farnie dat i forget to laugh. dat was de first situation. Dis was second. papa, adeq n me were eating in one table. i managed to finish my food first, followed by dad. adeq was alwas the last to do anyting n de last to finish sumting. so dad stood up from his chair, saying, "faster la eat. Makan mcam pompuan." ???????!!! wat in de world is he talking. we are gerls, aren't we?? so, dat was his childish part2. im still mugging fer my telsys. i'll complete the powerpoint slides later. bcos later, im presenting dem. im a gerl at de last minute. shoot me. i dun care. i bot a yellow button-like earings. n im gladdd. *wide smile* brown, pink n silver are on my next shopping list. okayyy..i gotta go rightt now. i nid to dress up. n im craving fer caramel frappucino. haven-ness!! *slurp slurp* That's It For Today. Goodbye.