Monday, June 27, 2005 5:47 AM ;||*knock knock*|| so i woke up early in de morning bcos adeq scared de hell outta me. yaaaa..she stood beside my bed n shouted "akak! wake up..! da kul brp nie??!" i jerked. Opened my eyes big big n de first ting i saw was her face. Not de ceiling. Shitte her! gawd..i forgot to tell her dat i nid my 12hrs of sleep on Sunday bcos i cant bear de pain of sleeping fer onlie 6hrs from mon to fri. n dere she goes, waking me up wen i was supposed to enjoy de beauty of sleeping. Urgh! Ouh..parents n akak were not @ home. dey went to dis 'maulud' @ a mosque somewhere in de West. ishk..seriously i dunnoe where. Oke fine, i admit. im not those alim alim kinda gerl. im still a teenager who luvs her own life n freedom. Momma n dad were forcing me n adeq to tag along since last week but i refused again n again. Giving stupid reason lyke i nid to study @ home fer de upcoming term test. haha..momma just closed one eye but dad was lyke "hmmph! Ye lah tu..lau ajak dgr syarahan je, banyak la tu alasan. Tapi lau ajak makan ke, gie shopping ke, takyah suruh siap." Hehs! Bingo! He noes me well.. *stick out tongue* n rite now im blogging. so much so fer my revision. Revision can wait. here's de deal. De moment i heard momma opening de gate, i'll rush to my study table n jus grab ani book n revise. bad. By rite, dats wad im supposed to do. not blogging n surfing dirah.. *eyes rolling* Wadeva. Had a great tyme @ home wif onli adeq. We ate curry puff non-stop n garlic bread. Lyke dere's no tomorrow. n i just finished bathing. Cant imagine wad will happen to us if parents were to go Umrah or Haji one dae. Hehs! Party till late nite larh jawabnyer. Agaknye tak balek umah pun.. *pimp laugh* not dat bad to stay out till late nite or 'torn' somewhere. De home is still de best place to sleep. don't u tink so??! im enjoying every minute of my freedom so, im not goin to lose it just lyke dat. neither will i make full use of it. just be thankful wif wad u haf before dey are all gone. Yuppp..wadeva. Fact is, i nid a manicure!! Haha..i noe, dere's no connection to freedom n all dat, but seriously, my nails are driving me nuts. Ouhno, i will neva beautify dem wif nails polish bcos i tink dat will do more harm to my nails. *nods head* Dun believe me?? try applying de nail remover solution. See wad wonders it will do to ur nails. DRY!! *screams* m too excited to watch Spiderman later on TCS5. watched it tons of times but i just adore Spiderman. So kawaii!! *pinch pinch* m talking to rabia just now. dektu kalau call aku, confirm berita hangat2 semua. HOTT news! Haha..n im hating her every sec. she's goin down to town todae n im stucked @ home. penniless. Haf fun idiot. Haha.. ouh one more ting! i missed de battle of breakdance yesterdae. it was held @ town area. See..i had something on so i can be part of de audience. ERGH! Fer sure, it will be a blast. Trust me. *sigh* Things arent goin my way. n things just doesnt sit rite. hunnie, i dun nid you to listen to me or do things in my way, but atleast spare a tout fer how much i care about you dear. Anyway sweetie, get well soon! *muacks* Oke..enuf. where's momma n papa?? it's no fun staying @ home without momma's delicious cooking n daddy's snoring. hehs! That's It For Today. Goodbye.