Thursday, June 30, 2005 12:09 PM ;||*Dont tell me it's OVER*|| havent been blogging since de last 2daes. was veriee bz wif my assignment n it's sucha disaster wen came to weekdaes. orite, jus let me recap wadeva dat's been happening de last 2daes yah. mon - Dirah is tired of something. please dun ask her wad bcos she didnt noe it either. came to skul early @ 10.30am wen skul actuallie started @ 1pm. planned to summarise my Japanese thingy but in de end, i told myself dat "oh well, i can do dat at home". accompanied ms syasya to de lab. she had to memorise her Java code fer Tues presentation. haha..balak aku da bes, skrg balak kau plak. *evil laugh* obviously johnny did de Java assignment. he realli amazed me mann. he is sucha lucky dude to be born in dis world wif a Java brain. hehe..thank god i wasnt born wif a Java brain. probably i'll die from it. *phew* had nowhere to go, so i mite as well accompany syasya fer some 'chilling' moment @ de Mac. rather den goin home n facing de same old faces at home. wif all de "adik, tlg mama buat nie..adik here n adik dere." ergh! gonna drive me craziee sitting at home. syasya had her Japanese listening test, n she was trying hard to memorise all those crappies u can find in de Japanese book. n i merely enjoying my french fries wen my listening test is just de next dae. *licks lip* fahn wanted to meet me soo much dat aku sanggup turun bus 81 n meet him @ Pasir Ris interchange. yaaa..i miss him too. too much perhaps. just a short 15mins meet will do. as long as i gotta 'touch-touch' him n admire de cute-ness in him. haha..well, i do regret scolding n yelling at him during de weekends. hmmph! typical me. tak ble kene ckit. but to tink back, it's fer his own good. defending myself u see.. *wink* tues - m sooo fucking happy bcos finally finally finally both de tuition mummies called me asking me wen i can start teaching their kiddos again. ouhwee!! if onlie everyone can see how joyful my heart was jumping up and down at dat very moment. hehe..well atleast, incomes r cuming back to me. seriously, i cant live wif no money. *bluekzz* orite, my mind is trying hard to drift away. tinking of wad i gonna buy wif those money in my hand de next month. alot alot n alot i bet u! beside dat, im feeling freaking pissed off n irritated bcos i didnt haf de tyme to complete shading de options fer my listening test! holy shitte! how could de teacher be sooo mean as to just snatch my paper away??! phuck her! wadeva. it's over anw n i doubt i will pass dat pathetic paper. de Jepun was talking lyke a train. soo fast dat i could onlie catch some parts of it. *eyes rolling* blardie hell! fahn's bro just passed his driving test. member da de license action sia. he picked us up wif his lovey-dovey gegerl. da macam roller coaster dibuatnyer. seriously, he was speeding half of de tyme and i kept praying dat god will save me if anitink worse were to hit us. haha.. oke, so daddy wasnt in a gud mood yest. i dunno if dat was due to him getting older or just dat dier datang bintang. so i was trying hard to play de swit gerl at home hoping he doesnt find fault wif me. rite. so just now i had my Japanese presentation on Tea Ceremony. my heart was lyke thumping so hard bcos i didnt even noe or recognise anione in my Japanese class. Deyre lyke 'aliens' to me u noe..i haf no problem presenting stuff wif my own class, but tis one, a bit different u see. But i tink, seriously, i did fine just now. Atleast i didnt mumble or tripped over some words. Hehs! met rabia at 6pm just now. gosh..meeting her made me realise how much i miss both of my gurlfrens. miss dem TOO much!! *big hug* As usual, we will always be slacking n chilling around at Tamp, either de small mac or mac 'blakang'. Tu jer larh..if not, we'll be at starbucks or coffee bean. oke people, seriously i should be studying rite now. Term test is just next week!! Yaaa..but instead, dis little gerl is happily blogging. *slap* And at de same tyme, her mind is drifting apart slowly. Tinking if she should go to de Hip Hop Fest dis cuming Sun or not. probably momma n papa will not be happy if i were to go bcos dey badly want me to study. Furthermore, i haf a paper de next dae. *sigh* so im stucked to be exact. To go or not to go..hmm. *thinking* i tink i jus nid a cup of Caramel Frap n i'll be fine making decision. Hehs! oke, my mind's goin bonkers soon. so i betta stop blogging now. ouh wait, i envy ailah's momma fer enrolling her a second language. wouldnt it be nice to hear u talking in chi n i talking in Jap. da macam rojak western eh?? *pimp laugh* Okay!! i gotta go to catch ManHunt on TV later. So kawaii!! it's a gerl's show shooh!! if u haf FHM n Ms World, we haf ManHunt. *raise eyebrow* ookay goodbye n goodday! That's It For Today. Goodbye.