something is very freaky about me. when all the other girls are busy checking out on hot guys (either those girls are attached or unattached), i am busy checking out on hot girls. you know sometimes, these girls look damn hot in pictures &that somehow inspires me to take pretty pictures and upload them. &then, i feel damn good after adding a bunch of hot girls in my friendster (read: i wrote 'pretty girls only' on Who I Want To Meet). at other times, close friends will just slap my back &hopefully im still straight. haaha.
well hello, preetyboy is still my love which is equivalent to me saying that im still straight, alright. let's put it in a simpler way: i am going to turn twenty this year &real life is about to begin. life about settling down. hmm don't worry, you'll understand soon when you finally freak out about being twenty years old.
the other day when i was flipping through Jan's issue of CLEO magazine, something really caught my attention &the enthusiasm to try it out on my own really gets out of control, that's why i chose red/venom this time around.

and because of that pretty stuffs, momma realised that i'll do better in this line (something about beauty like, hairdressing) rather than laying my butt on something i am clueless about like, engineering. now, laugh with me because i just realised that life in polytechnic is going to end damn soon. say, in early March? &that's like 2months from now which means examinations are just around the corner. gasp.
two days ago, i had Nasi Ayam Penyek with preetyboy over at Changi. sedap sangat la you! &two days ago, we both fell asleep for an hour in the car at the Changi Beach's carpark. you see, i love doing random things with preetyboy when i am supposed to finish up on my Technical Documentation which is due tomorrow. &the girlfriends are being too sweet towards me lately that i can assure myself i won't die with the lack of girlfriends. hoho. &&i ditched this Saturday's Family Day at Zoological Garden for HomeClub's Flea Market. &i wish to get my tuition pay on Monday so that i can shop (once again) for some serious stuffs like a bag (i need a bag!!!).
on top of that all, the little one literally forced me to design a new layout for her blog which is im halfway through. besok besok kalau dah kaya, make sure kau blanja aku eh!