Wednesday, January 17, 2007
4:02 PM
;those little carvings you've made
let me share a little secret with you...
after those weeks of plain nightmare and miserable days, finally tears of happiness rolled down my cheek yesterday night. well boy, you didn't realise them happy tears because you were too busy cuddling me, trying to comfort me. you don't know how much my heart skipped a bit when you use your index finger to write down the sentence "I Y U VERY MUCH!!!!" just above my right knee. you told me to figure out what those words were &the moment i did, you put my head on your shoulder and i couldn't stop crying.
i felt so good after that, love. thankyou.
well anyway avid readers of mine, preetyboy was the one who told me to put up this song on my blog because currently it's on his top list of music. so, credit goes to you baby. (ah, kembang kan? haaha) =)
right now, im off to buy a new helmet with preetyboy. woohoo!
That's It For Today. Goodbye.