Monday, September 26, 2005 1:38 AM ;||*hairs are covering me*|| foremost, to nassier, HAPPY 18th BIRTHDAY!! ![]() he's the center dude. dis three guys cannot be seperated. so mite as well i post a pic of dem all. hehe.. yeah dude, i tink it's a bit too late fer u larh. look at all ur fwends, we're already 18 so long ago. haha..kerek plak aku nie. watevaso, am i e first one to wish u?? eyy..i took e hard time wishing u at 12am sharp tau, u notice?? hehe..nvm, dat doesn't matter though. ey boy, goodluck in ur future endeavors ya. ive said dis and i will say dis again. be more mature now dat ure 18 already n hidup jangan asyik bully b aku je..hah! im still waiting fer this sentence from u, "Dirah! aku da pass motor license aku!" bad. u mite be wondering wad is dis makcik doin here, posting such as early entry. i'll tell u. i can't sleep. im feeling so crappy and low de past two days. beats me. im worried sick abt him. if he's not home yet, i cant haf my peaceful nite. ouhh..everyone noes dat. darn! dats one, errr.. should i say a good thing about me?? wad??! i care fer him mah..shhhessssh! i tink i didn't spend my two nites really well. let me shoot u wif some. adeq bustard me n left me sleeping alone on Friday nite, wen we're supposed to scare outta our underpanties. right. she promised me to watch Ju-On wif me but de next moment, i saw her sleeping. idiot u! dun pretend i can watch such an eerie story alone. it'll probably be e death of me. haha.. saturday. noting much. im bored. fer one ting, i saw dis lady on a train n she was siting directly infront of me. and i gasped. noe why?? i adore her hair! woohoo…no kidding. i was practically staring at her throughout my whole journey. let me describe it. her hair was super long. and one point, her hair length is just like mine, elbow-length. she had bangs fringe. just de way i want. im jealous at how smooth her hair flow. and and, her hair color was sooo superb. just de color dat i wan to highlight my hair. yellowish blonde? yes. hot right?? im falling. soo, dats how long my hair is. shocker eh?? ![]() but i guess, highlighting my hair is not my first priority. it's e hairstyle dat im worried sick about. ive been tinking too much i guess. nothing else is about me except hairs n more hairs. Blergh! my last resort will probably be having choppy layered hair, wif notsothick bangs, and to just trim a bit bcos 80% of me is telling me dat i want and seriously want to kip my long hair. im phobia of short hairs. haha..sooo kental. so now, ive to make an appointment n negotiate the price wif Kimage. gurlfrens, please remind me. filza, thanks fer tis two pics. dey are really really helpful. but i love de first pic most. even thought of cutting my hair dat short, but like ive said, im scared. not daring enough lor. hehe..niceee right? soo..still thinking. ![]() ![]() oke, enuf about hairs. double sheeessshh fer me. can i tell u something?? i saw an accident btw a bike n a cab yest. at 12.15am at my area. before u ask me about the driver, he's fine. now ask me about the motorcyclist. he was badly hurt. his face is nothing but full of blood. and wadelse? he was majority covered wif bloods. he was lying flat on the ground, not even moving. den i saw his feets. they were moving like as if u were just being electrified. yes..dat scary. and i prayed, god, please save him. he's too young to die. really. tink it's a major hit but i think he's fine. seeing blood all over him made me feel so dizzy. i cant see much blood or e next moment, u'll find me kissing the ground. right. dat's waaay off the story. wadelse?? spending my sunday hunting fer cloths at Arab Street. im searching fer a black cloth. i feel the urge to wear black dis year again. i dunnoe why. i nid to buy heels and a new handbag. nothing new rite?? it's a routine fer every hari rayer. oke dats it. wanna watch the second telecast of anugerah at 11.00 later..smagat babats! yes hunnie, im missing u badly. no need to ask. please spare most of ur nites for me okayy?? i nid you. That's It For Today. Goodbye.