Wednesday, September 14, 2005 5:38 AM ;||*rain rain go away cum again another day*|| finally my comp is backk! dad spent $700 upgrading our cpu. haven! suddenly everything becomes sooo superb fast. no more lagging. yayyy..! so where was i?? gosh..i miss blogging. miss it sooo much. and since im back, i promised to gif you de best entry dirah could gif. *so sweet* dunct ya tink so..? here's Andirah album dat ive promised you. ![]() uh is a must. too bad hunnie..wei! i like the stripes okayy..soo colourful! okayyy..enuf. so i haven't take my morning bath yet. enjoying myself. can't u see my dears?? right. im soo beat. i got home at 1.30am yest. after all those anugerah tings, dinner, supper, i jus can't wait to jump onto my bed n haf my sleep. dats right. everybody has de feelings dat something will go wrong on de nite of anugerah. yupp, me too. while i was ironing my clothes, "momma, wad if ciko couldn't make it to the next round arrh??" "ssshhhs! no nonsense eh.." and i kept quiet. but seriously, i do haf dis feelings dat he will be eliminated. i dunnoe why. well, maybe becos im quite close to him. the genes are there u see. and dat night, jus look at the weather. storms, thunders, heavy rains. it's like as if something sad will happen. and like as if the weather is on our side. hmm..everything is sooo right. de rain actually drenched my hand-made shoes dat im wearing okayy..i was cursing in my heart most of the tyme. i felt so spongy and wet. n i even haf dis urge to walk barefooted. shoot me. de traffics were disastrous. slow moving traffics everywhere. not to say hailing a cab. dat was far more disastrous. trust me. wif all those heavy rains pouring on ur umbrella, wif all those thunders n storms, and dere we were, standing in the middle of nowhere, hailing pathetically for a cab. we were sooo feaking late. ![]() barefooted! the mediacorp was dyem crowded. and believe it or not, ciko's supporters wore all yellow yesterday. sooo, yellow yellow dirty fellow?? hehe..more to it. dun talk about my heartbeat. it was beating tremendously fast. i was worried for him. and so was everyone. he was the fourth contestant to perform. one relief. *phew* irwan kinda screwed up yest. but he managed to pull through the chorus part, n goodness, he did it! im sooo proud of you. you should ask ur fellow supporter how loud i cheered ur name okayy..too loud dat they were covering their ears. haha.. suhana was next..hmm. to be frank, i dun kinda support her. her voice was sooo flat dat i couldn't see why kak ge wanted to gif her an extra point for dat. are all the judges deaf?? beats me. nonetheless, she was sooo gorgeous. fahn's agreeing to dat. lalala. see if i care. i have azmir remember?? harhar.. azmir was next. aaaaa..he reminds me of usher okayy. his style. not face, mind you. one hott news. he's taufik pub's friend. jus look at his dancemove, one glance u'll noe dat he's into clubbing. soooo kacak! he was the only one dat shine among e rest. lurve it. as usual, dirah was speechless and frozen looking at him. obvious lor. aaaa..the moment we've been waiting for has arrived. ciko's next. he didn't give his best though. but his sms vote was superbly high. how would i noe that his journey will end there?? i cheered for him until i couldn't talk anymore. my throat was sooo sore. yesss ah! love dat sore voice. hmm..the atmosphere yest was superb. eventhough to be frank, we were quite sad. i cried okayy..haha. it's all azmir's fault. i'll tell you why. he didn't even smile wen he got into the next round. he was filled with tears. amazed?? yupp, me too. and wen he was asked why by irwan, he pointed at ciko, who was not standing on the stage. i get wad he meant. ciko's not there for him anymore. they're best bud aftarall. wen everything's over, he came down the stage and went to ciko's parents seat. he muttered a sorry to kak dalilah, hugged abang and ciko's dad and salam ciko's mum. and afta dat, everyone was cheering ciko's name. "ciko! ciko! ciko!" urrrrgggh! okay..less talk. more pictures now. dere you go.. ![]() yellow yellow dirty fellows! ![]() the boyans' family..haha! ![]() dat is ciko's family. together with azmir. ![]() now it's a combination of ciko's and azmir's family. i'll tell you..the third lady standing from the left is azmir's momma and next to her, the guy who's in blue is azmir's dad. ciko's momma is standing on the extreme right and next to her is ciko's dad. ![]() the obeks wif ciko. smile! ![]() can u see rino?? yes yes..he's next to me! *scream* but i like the picture on shasha's digicam! no fair! ![]() mom, dad, me, sisters together with azmir.. woohhoo!! u noe i noe.. *wink* ![]() obek ju and obek ori wif ciko. ![]() there will alwas be my turn.. do we look alike?? dis is wad u called anak boyanese..! haha.. ![]() rightt. now wif irwan. opps! sorrie chic! ur husband is wif me.. *cheeky smile* done. i haf two tuitions later. kill me. im sooo dead. im craving for starbuck's rhumba. yum yum yum. That's It For Today. Goodbye.