Tuesday, September 20, 2005 11:28 AM ;||*saturday sunday monday*|| poof! im back. i noe i noe. i haven't been posting an entry since Friday? hmm..dat bad ar dirah. i was sooo occupied during e weekends. trust me? no? see fer urself.. haha! my saturday was err..okayy. yes..jus okay. not much excitement except fer one ting, like finally mom bot me my hari raya kain. yes..no worries! mom's e tailor..so, fun is, FOC. duh! had kenduri at my aunt's place fer my late grandfathers. im so not in de mood fer it. reallie. dats y i wore a tee and jeans. no baju kurung fer me please. okayy..atleast i did helped out in e kitchen. right. less talk, pictures please. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() wadelse?? ouh, had a bdae celebration afta dat. nazrul's bdae. he's soo dyem fucking cute! see fer urself la. ![]() fattie bom bom, here's my bdae kiss for you. *smuck* im loving it. haha.. ![]() ![]() aunt ida was super nice. she did henna fer me n yes, it's free. she's so creative, ohmygod! look..nice? ![]() oke..den sunday was reallie not my day lor. seriously i didn't noe sunday was Nisfu Syaaban. shoot me. i dunnoe wad dat means. haha..im dead. so i was just tagging along. okay fine, i was forced to tag along. shitte! i mean, im a real goodie alright. i know where i stand n i will never forget my religion. gosh! didn't noe dat wearing tudung can just make me look dat..hmm..alim? haha.. ![]() today today today.. i planned to meet my b. reallie missing him. had his prac todae and i was supposed to meet him there at 10am but something clumsy happened to me. i'll tell you what.. i ACcidentally cut my upper lips while shaving whatsnotsuppose to be dere. shut up. stop looking at me like one kind. hello..like u neva shave ur moustache. girls do have thin hair moustache okayy..shave it off babe! gross..hehe so where was i? right. it bled nonstop. n i haf no idea wad else im supposed to do. n fer heaven sake, im phucking late. no choice. i msg-ed fahn n told him my pathetic story n he laughed. thanks fer being understanding n meet me at tamp instead. had breakfast wif fahn n din. he was having his prac too. niceee.. had nowhere to go. jus chill at Changi Beach wif fahn. sweeet..another sweet moment i shall treasure. hmm.. fahn's like a bbq prawn afta standing under the hot sun fer two days watching Motorcross. serious. headed to his house afta dat to watch some dvds. i watched Hitch. n i cant stop laughing. especially de part wen Hitch taught his client how to dance at the party. e song Yeah was playing n how could u move like dat? horrid! haha.. he's working right now. ask me, am i missing him?? i'll answer yes! Shhheeesshh.. okay peeps! anugerah's starting veriee soon. get ur butts in front of the teevee. go! my prediction. hairil, irwan, azmir and fauzi will stay. goodluck! That's It For Today. Goodbye.