Friday, September 23, 2005 1:04 PM ;||*wish you could hear me*|| i looove orange. and.. i miss farhan. i had a terrible stomachache in de morning. and to everyone info, i had to attend a 2daes Microsoft Visual bootcamp in school. i was forced to go by dat shortie, Mr Lim. urgh! and what's more, dey're giving out e certificate only at e end of e second dae. smartypants huh?! i was 1hr late fer de workshop todae due to e terrible stomachache. one of the deadly disease dat im phobia of. haha..nvm, it's much betta now. lucky fer us, it ended 1hr earlier. so i had 2hrs to spend wandering around aimlessly before havin my tuition at 6pm. as usual, we headed tamp mall. nothing new though. i guessed by now, ive already memorise all the shops name in TM and CS. shoot me. heh! i had to hit Montip fer some new hairbands. it's getting looser and looser dae by dae. so, ive got it. next?? perhaps starbuck-ing or coffee bean-ing right syasya?? so much so, both places were dyem pack. n syasya prefer e couch rather den e outside seats. mayb some other time ya.. went down to e basement level of Century Square and tut, we saw Sakae Sushi. she was craving fer it and i was craving fer dat too. what else. we crashed Sakae Sushi instead. dyem dat waitress. how can she gaf us de verie last seat?? dont u noe we prefer e nearest seat to the kitchen so dat we could get e first grab of every sushi?? by e tyme e sushi-s reach our place, dey were left wif only de notsonice ones. pissed off. and den i realised sumting. im de opposite of syasya. she ate those typical sushi like the one wif crab meat while i ate all those raw ones. niceee..8 plates really left me wif a bulging tummy. haha..and i had tuition afta dat okayy. errrr.. satisfied missy?? i am..hehs! ouh..orangey please choose one of dis syasya. e Osmose's belt or e Mini Toon's flowery door hanging thing?? choose! thank you! im wondering. why isit dat my tamp tuition kid has noting betta to do den ermm..stare at my hair n trying veriee hard to count the number of golden hair strands i haf?? pathetic u noe. try to imagine dis.. me: wad is de.. her: kak, you haf one golden hair. i saw it..! me:'s okay. aftarall i dyed my hair. see..she can even stare at my blardie hair wen i was in de middle of asking her a math question. or..she will ask me stuff like, why do you haf 2 piercing on both ears?? or why isit dat your eyebrows are so neat and clean?? or she will stare blankly at my beaded necklace and went, i like ur necklace. bah!! it's getting ridiculous lor. perhaps, i should do a Qns and Ans session afta every tuition i had wif her. dunct you tink dat is a brilliant idea?? apart from dat.. do u know wad ive been thinking?? about my hair. till now, i cant dcide wad i should do to my hair. farhan's already bugging me to change my hairstyle but please eh, i will never, i repeat. will never curl my hair. i personally tink it will ruin my hair rather den beautify it. right. so i was thinking, should i cut my elbow-length hair to a shoulder-length hair or kip dat long hair?? and..should i do bangs again or try sumtink else?? im lost. here my screams?? i nid your help. ![]() bangs..which i've already did it before.. ![]() ![]() or dis?? just a simple short eyebrow length side fringe?? gurlfrens, i soooo nid our SLUMBER PARTY. when??!! msg me. last, pool anyone?? im dying fer it..urgh!! That's It For Today. Goodbye.