Saturday, September 10, 2005 2:46 PM ;||*wen i say i love you...*|| Happy 18th Birthday prettyboy, ![]() i know uve been waiting for dis special day of urs to come jus becos u can't wait to enroll rightt?? hmm..i can really see dat Annabelle really means a lot to you..haha. woit. pause. annabelle's our baby's name. prettyboy came up wif dat name. quite sweeet huh?? well well well hunnie, may god bless you and good luck in ur future endeavor. and remember hunnie, im always here for you. muackks! i love it. i love the way we spent our blissful day today. it was amazingly fantastic. wow! ure sucha hunnie, do you know dat??! sooo in love larh. okay okay..let me tell you how we spent our day today. i sat for mobcomp paper for only 40mins. really. and the paper was supposed to be a 2hr paper. amazed rite at how superb fast i complete the paper?? hehe..the questions were sooo similar to past year papers. all i nid to do was just memorized e MCQ n just get some definations and diagrams in my head. n taa-daa! dis is e first tyme i left the examination room feeling sooo dyem confident. and dat feeling was nice okayy.. *wink* accompanied syasya for her lunch at Mac. dat gerl's a McDonald freak i tell you. i noe, goodness! bcos of you, im starting to fall in love with their garlic chilli sauce okayy.. i'll tell you one secret. fahn got himself enrolled today. yes yes yes. dat fast, i noe. he cant wait to get his bike's license, cant u see??! hmm..uve yet to buy me a helmet, remember?? hoho! went off to heeren. he wanted dat black or brown Havaianas' trekking sandal. but sadly, no size available fer him. pity you larh darling. so i told him to get another ting, perhaps another sandal. i loike dis particular sandal so much dat i told him i'll get dat for him. it wasn't dat expensive aftarall. and i got dat just for him. he wanted to buy another flip flop though. afta much thinking, he chose a Reef flip flop again wen he already bought once. veriee nice darl, u noe how much i love brown rightt? hehe..another presie for you. love it. okayy, since im loaded, i treated him to Swensen. our choice. we ate the one beside Paragon. e atmosphere was amazing. and de lighted candle just add a lil touch to e cooling night. now i wonder, why do we haf e same taste? we ordered 2 fish baked rice and a garlic pita for e side dish..yum yum! no food goes well without a drink, dunct ya tink so?? so dere we go, hazelnut ice blended. Swensen's ice blended is so waalllaa! *licks lip* tummy's sooo bloated afta dat. im so shy. haha. walked around afta dat. i wanted to buy a yellow tee for some reason but den, hmm..nothing attracts my attention. dis is wad i alwas get wen im loaded. either noting attracts my attention or i jus cant make up my mind on wad to spend on. so dats it. another day perhaps. aaa..den i saw dis Volcom top. sooo attractive. im gonna get dat. i love de design la..veriee erm..unique! really. okayy..i enjoy our trip home. can u eva imagine us cracking stoopid jokes to each other?? here's some pathetic n lame jokes.. him: spell macdonald fer me. her: M-A-C-D-O-N-A-L-D him: good. so wad does M-A-C-K-I-N-E-Z sounded like?? her: (afta much thinking) mackinez la. him: clever eh you. then wad does M-A-C-H-I-N-E-S sounded like?? her: (afta much cracking of e brain session) ermm..wait arh. aaa i know, mac-hi-nes! him: kpala hotak you okay! machines larh. and he burst into laughter. yayaya..veriee farnie! u twisted my brain n now left me blushing all over. *roll eyes* okay den, since u wanna laugh rite, i'll make you laugh..listen eh.. assalamualaikum. kum aper? kombat. bat aper? batman. man aper? mentel. tel aper? telephone. phone aper? pondan. dan aper? dancing. cing aper? singapore. pore aper? polis. lis aper? listen. sten aper? sentuh. tuh aper? tongkat. kat aper? katil. til aper? teleng. leng aper? lengsan (my sir's name,haha!). san aper? sandanam (a prcs teacher). nam aper? number. ber aper? berkat. kat aper? katil. til aper? tetek. tek aper? tehko. ko aper? kotek. tek aper? tetek! oittt!! biler mahu end??! suker eh.. and we burst into laughter again. fun righttt?? i noe. if you're wondering, our bdae theme dis year is "ask for it". okayy..enuf. fahn's outt now wif pudin n nassier at teh tarik coffeeshop. haf fun hunnie..! i love you. That's It For Today. Goodbye.