Wednesday, August 17, 2005 11:29 AM ;||*her neva-ending drama*|| okayyy...dat momma's kid gonna kill me any minute if i kip changing de tyme slot again. haha..pls dun blame me la makcik. i haf tings to do, besides, im nooott goin to mis Shooting Star fer the second tyme oke?? i haf to make tyme fer Taufik. Bah! *shrugs* yess syasya. so i aint jealous of u anymore. i get to see dat show, so puh-lease spare me all those jealousy. *stick out tongue* im dyem tired. tired of all those projects. jus let me do dis once n foreva. dirah, dirah, dirah..all ur projects deadline are just NEXT week. yupp. so STOP fooling around. done. but dat doesnt get into my head rightt?? im just waiting fer miracle to happen. *spank my forehead* wake uppppppp!!! i screwed up during java lesson. reallyyy. seriously, im lost. Lost fer souce codes. n half of de tyme, i'll be asking myself. "what in de world does all dis codes mean??!" bullshitte! *eyes rolling* sir was sooo busy assessing otha people's source code. i waited fer him to assess mine fer lyke 1hr. yupp. with no doubt. urgh! so while waiting, i did the stupid-est n the lame-est ting on earth. oke, not on earth. on pasir ris. haha..i actuallie wrote three testimonials to syasya, rabia n boon siong. serious. n those were not jus short n sweet n simple testi-s, but duper loooong one. dun believe. check it outt. how pathetic i am to write syasya a testimonial wen she was just beside me. busy meddling with my mp3. mp3 aku lau terburai, siap kau! hehe..kiddies gerl. dat shows how bored i am. *sigh* i dunwanna count how many projects left to do. bcos it's countless. one afta another. Blergh! i didnt noe i was laughing by myself in the bus. i tout syasya laughed wif me too but wen i turned to see her, she was sleeping lyke her parent's business. hehe..n mind you, wif one of my earpiece stucked in her left ears! ergh..sicko u! so i was paisei. blame dat tv mobile fer playing de show 'Just For Laugh' la.. *cursing* she refused to run fer the bus in de interchange. bozzo u! i wonder if running makes u fat arh??! *spank on ur butt* so i pulled her hand, n obviously, she was dragging herself. so berat la u..i realise. Hehe..lucky you dat nyonya was running fer de bus too oke, if not u gonna be late fer tuition. and thanks to me too okayyy??! den i felt a large hand grabbing my left arm. i turned. i remembered u. miss mayang. so different in dat Siglap's uniform larh u..hehe. yupp, i saw dat guy. my adeq's old flame. word 'old flame' seems to be lyke those in de 60s. goodness. haha..anw, i walked away, dialing adeq's number. cant wait to see her reaction dat i saw Mahathir. *stick out tongue* rightt. all she gaf me was her rolling eyes n a 'wadeva'. shitty bang bang you! he's a ruddies, mind you. ask me la wen is ska fest?? *sickening* i was soo piss-y while q-ing up for the bus at the interchange. stoopid apek in front of me. fart lyke suker hati mak bapak dier sae. kalau kentot kau wangi, bau perfume MNG jeans aku takpe jugak, nie bau cam tayik yang da lamer being stored in ur stomach gtu. busuk nak mampus! seriously i couldn't help it. i pinch my nose. yes, in front of everybody. see if i care. i cant possibly squeeze my way out of the q rite. superr looong q. if onli i could hit you from the back of ur head, i'll be sooo blardie hell satisfied. nyahahaha! rite now im wondering. wen will she stop her drama??! irritating bullshitte. eyy ciko, get me an anugerah ticket pretty please. i wanna be de audience dere. i saw abg syam on tv okayy..n dat is sooo not fair. *hits the keyboard hard* .nvm. okay..Shooting Star's started. Jus a 30mins and i'll be back. lalala. ![]() That's It For Today. Goodbye.