Thursday, August 11, 2005 1:28 PM ;||*gotta say wad she gotta say*|| today was fun bcos i skipped almost majority of my classes. i'll haf to say a million thanks to syasya. she's de reason y i skipped classes. *raise eyebrows* Furthermore, im not in de mood fer any classes. ive my own reasons which u'll get to noe at de end of dis entry. Blergh! im a cheapskate! dun u noe, dun u noe?? haha..i bot a 4bux schoolshoe bcos im soo in de mood to design it by myself. yup, thanks syasya fer accompanying me. i noe im sucha troublesome, but jus kip dat to urself. heyy, i lurve de silverish grey okayy! it looks sooo classic, n i tink ur flowers are keyooot! thanks fer decorating dat fer me! saaayaaang kamu! dun forget dat u still haf de rite side to design. Bah!! i dunwan my flowers to look distorted. *giggle* yayyyy!! jonathan's back! gosh..i miss him lyke crazie..he's away fer more den 1yr n all of a sudden jus now, i saw him! my heart skips a beat..perhaps im too shocked to see ur return. my whole classmate is sooo bad! u guys r de meanest, but i still luv u ppl. can u not tell me jonathan's back?? den i wun skipped de lecture. Owh gawd! he looked sooo tann, and..i tink he's gained weight. u looked sooo different la jonathan. nvm, fact is, im happy ure back! Thanks fer praising me..haha, i noe, u miss my craps too! *stick out tongue* be wif us often yah??? looking forward.. national day's over but believe me, i still tink it's not over. Ppl are still dressing up in red n white. hehe..true Singaporean indeed. talking abt national day, let me tell u how i spent my day yest. it was a blast! went to Esplanade wif adeq n ayun at 6pm to see de fireworks live!! de road was jamm, de pathway was jamm and blergh! ppl r everywhere. Fahn told me to grab a seat bhind Marina Square. no doubt dat de view dere is superrrr clear! waited n waited n finally, fireworks! im not lying but de fireworks were directly above me. it was sooo much fun. de feeling is totally diff to see and feel de fireworks live than watching it on tv. whats more; dis year's fireworks were diff from de previous previous one. n it was amazing. *gasping for air* managed to video cam it. it brought a smile de moment i played it over n over. fer those who catch de fireworks live, prolly u guys noe wad i mean wen i said it was a blast. ![]() it all ended at 8.30pm. next stop, de Esplanade. dere's a hip hop thingy goin on dere. tell me who will jus let it slip thru their fingers?? *shakes head* uh uh..not me! rushed dere to meet rabia n man n otha ppl. ouhhhh..fahmi n ab were dere too. at ferst, we could onli hear techno songs blasting off. n we were lyke, "tkan nak joget techno kann?? Zaman bilerr sae tu.." so we just sit around, crapping here n dere n suddenly...reggae larh!! haiyo! de rest da mcm kena sambal gtu. jumping here n dere shouting "aku da tak lapar! Perut aku da kenyang! oiiii...gie saner arh!" all i noe, i was dyem phucking xcited! reggae n rnb r sooo my bestfriends. ppl were screaming n shouting. n i wondered y. den i saw HIM!! sharif!! my rnb's soul! His voice is sooo phucking cool..betta den taufik's. trust me. n no doubt, he's gorgeous. okayy, dats wad i tink larh. i was xcited. dat matters oke? if onlie im at de veri front row.. man was goin "dirah, joget arh!" lu takmo cabar gua! gua lau da bukak step, tak tahan lu! haha..dere were dis whole lot of malay guys bside us. n dis couple was dancing lyke nobody's business. dat was fine until dey bumped into me and fahmi. phucked! nvm, chill ppl. *trying to be cool* front ppl began walking out, so we squeezed our way thru. so did those malay guys. was moving in wen i felt dis heavy thing landed on my toes. i screamed. really screamed my hearts out! ppl turned around! dat guy stepped on my feet. accidentally. me: adoiiiiii!! somebody stepped on my feet! fahmi: saper?? dat guy turned around.. him: eyy..sorie sorie. tak sengaja. (in a pampered voice) fahmi: takpe arh. lain kali pijak lagi. his friends turned around n stared at him. okayy...i tink dat was tooo much. i gotta do sumting before anyting happen btw dem. me: it's okay. im alright. da tak sakit lagi.. chill guys. *phew* settled. obviously, it was still hurting. badly. Urghh! de couple was still dancing cam cacing. but nice dancemoves larh, it's jus dat, it's getting irritating. bcos everytime de guy changed his dancemove, he stepped on my feet. de same feet dat was hurting, mind you. i was soooo pissed off. fahmi, man, rabia n de rest left. guess dey're irritated too. but de two of us stayed around. simply waiting fer velvet, but instead, Rosie came out. *sigh* it's okay..i had fun though. im looking forward fer Friday's hip hop hooray at Esplanade. raihan said he'll b performing. i soooo wanna catch his performance. *skipping around* i was in de best mood until sumting cropped up at home dat i tink, it's entirely not our fault. really. although mom strongly tinks dat it was my fault. .a note to momma. momma, i didnt mean to be rude to you. but seriously, it's not my fault. reallie. okay, i admit it was my mistake fer not informing u n aunt dat she didnt follow us home. i didnt noe i was supposed to inform u guys. i tout it was okay fer her to be wif her bunch of fwends. she came home late, dat wasnt my fault. she lied to her mom, dat wasnt my fault too. im not responsible fer everyting dat happened. her mom's de one who is responsible. true. n i didnt lie to u. dad was rite. i cried jus to show u dat im not lying. i showed you de pics on de digicam jus to show u im not lying. but it all came to no avail. Seriously, i dunno wad u want. Everything's over. do u tink if u scolded me lyke mad, tings will rewind back??! no. i was pissed off n disappointed wen u didnt trust ur own daughter. dad couldn't help seeing u scolding me lyke mad jus bcos u didn't trust me. im glad dad stood by me. cos he noe, im matured enuf to do de rite ting although it means rude. no children enjoy seeing their parents fite. neither do i. im not enjoying every sec wads happening yest. i cried in my sleep, tinking who is more important to u, ur family or othas??! .a note to dad. dad, thanks fer standing up fer me. i noe ure de best dad eventhough sumtymes, i couldn't handle u. u reallie noe dat im not lying. u reallie understand me. u noe im not to blame. u noe im not responsible fer everything. u noe somebody didnt do her job. u hate it wen ur own daughter was scolded by some outsiders. u tink u daughter is alwas rite no matter how wrong we are. simply bcos u tink family is ur first priority. i respect u fer dat. thanks fer lending me ur shoulders to cry on. thanks fer lending me ur ears to hear all dat i gotta say. thanks fer seeing me off at de gate dis mrning. although it was supposed to be mom. i cried leaving de house, feeling contented having u as my dad but disappointed having a mom who didn’t trust her own daughter. dad, thanks fer everything. .a note to -. perhaps ure rite. im to blame fer everyting n im responsible fer everyting bcos im de eldest. i respect u jus bcos ure who u are, not bcos i agreed to whateva u said. i was pissed off wen u talked to me in dat tone and manner. But seriously, i didn't mean to be rude to you but you can blame noone fer everthing but urself. as a mom, it's ur duty to noe abt ur daughter's whereabout. dun u tink so? yup, u advised my sis to tink first bfore spurting out but here's an advice back fer you. dun eva tink of gaining respect from othas wen u dun respect othas. im out. ![]() my heart is still sore. ayun, be brave. noone asked fer dis to happen. Jus listen to ur mom n everyting will be alrite. That's It For Today. Goodbye.