Saturday, July 02, 2005 9:44 AM ;||*in her own world*|| im back. Back from de toilet. Suddenly i had a freaking stomachache n it's killing me. maybe bcos of de Putu Piring or de LJS's lemon breaded fish??! guess im allergic to lemon. i cant stand de smell of lemon, wat's more consuming dem. But de lemon breaded fish doesnt taste lemon at all. Perhaps bcos it's fried. Wadeva. But ice lemon tea is a diff thingy. Oke phuck. i dunnoe wad im blabbering about. my stomach still hurts. Rabia, ailah, maner korang?? Tolong urutkan perut aku nie larh.. Hehs! Skul was a lil bit fun todae. yong sheng n eve were veriee jakun of me todae. simply bcos i wore a hairband todae. i noe i look swit n different. Ouh, thank you! *bow* Had Java lab just now. sir was lyke a half-paid joker. He's is sooo phobia-tic of sickness. Especially cough. n seriously i dunnoe y de whole class seems to haf a coughing disease. Sooo sir was afraid dat he might get de disease, so he opened de door n stood near de opened door. half of de tyme, i was laughing lyke a mad woman bcos ive neva seen such an old man who is afraid of coughings. Haha.. So i suggested a lame idea to sir. "Cher, y not u stand outside n jus stick ur head in?? wouldnt it be betta if ure soo afraid of getting de coughing disease." N guess wad. Dengan rela hati he did lyke wad i told him to do. haiyo!! Bleh layan plak mepek aku nie.. *shakes head* Asalkan kau bahagia la cikgu.. n den he came out wif a stooopid or rather lame game. Whoeva cough will be fined 50cents. Goodness! n everyone started to cough. i dunnoe if dey faked it or it's reallie a real cough. haha..we haf onlie one motive of doin dat. to get rid of him!! *bad* n de next moment, he told de class to haf a 10min teabreak. Aperlagi..cabut makan breakfast larh kitrang. We took 30mins. Budak2 skrg kan melampau. Kasi muka naik pat kepala. n throughout de Java lab, i didn't do ani Java stuff but surfing de net. Heaven beb! *wink* Sya2 tot me a new song. n it sounded more lyke a spoilt radio. Reallie. n we laughed our hearts out again. gile arh dektu. 24jam ajar aku benda mengarut. Lyke fastly, bcos dere's such ting as quickly. n stupid dom. instead of stupid dumb. *crazee woman* went to eat at LJS. De farnie part is dat me, syasya n fahn wore white. n i told fahn if i were to hold his rite hand n asya were to hold his left hand, it looked lyke he were two-timing. Haha..obviously he finds it crappish larh. Aniwae who wants to share a boyfriend rite??! *pimp laugh* and i tink i saw lil`ayun's fwend at Tamp interchnge. De one schooling @ changkat change sec. yerp..wads his name arh??! Seriously aku luper. Haha.. Oke, so i was supposed to meet sis rite now to accompany her to NYP fer Layar Andayu. But i dunno y momma suddenly dun allow me to go out. first tyme sia she said 'no'. hehe..was pissed off actuallie but den i remembered, dier datang bintang!! Haha..ikutkan je la kater dier. Padahal every fridae i rarely will be at home. *sigh* Maybe she misses me. since everyday i got home at 8pm from school. okela momma, adik temankan momma at home oke?? *kish kish* Oh fark. im missing my gurlfrens. manerlah krng2 nie?? Will be having my term test next week n followed by a one week vacation. So gurlfrens, here's wad i wanna do during de one week vacation. Window-shopping *since my income is next mth* Pool-ing *nid to brush up skills larh* Starbuck-ing *m craving fer Caramel Frap* Cahaya-ing *i miss de mee hokkien n char kuey* n.. catch up wif my 12hrs of sleep! hehs! ![]() That's It For Today. Goodbye.