Saturday, May 28, 2005 3:02 PM ;||*pissed me OFF*|| i wonder.."would my love life ended smoothly just lyke urs??" simple. i dunnoe. so i went to Sarah's wedding todae. n lyke i said, fahn couldnt tag along bcos he was away in Malacca. n i had to go on wif my gurls. i jus cant cum to her wedding rite bcos she's been my bestest galfwend in sec sch. Yup. i stil do treasure her alot. so here she is, in her lovely wedding gown n she looked dyem stunning. dis is true. i cant take my eyes off her. reminded me to cum before 4.30pm bcos she'll be goin away to de guy's place but here i m, cuming late! nope. i wasnt late. criusly. met Shab in de cab. n we took de cab to Tamp int. n de journey to dere was disastrous! goodness. de taxi-driver was smoking in de cab, turning off de aircons. how rude can dis taxi-driver be rite? hell ya. so we were sweating in de taxi. fer once, i was sweating in cabs. stupid. shab was being straighforward. she went "uncle, can u pls on de aircon. Veri hot arh." N de taxi driver went "ahh oke", but he onlie did dat afta 5mins. Simply bcos he was halfway thru smoking. Gonna curse him sooo much! I shant blog abt her wedding yah. Too tired to type out every single detail. Took some pics. Well mayb u guys can take a glance. ![]() ![]() i DEFINITELY will blog abt dis rabia. Yesh! it was totally getting on my nerve. Dis two aunties wif their children were standing in de middle of de pathway leading to de traffic lite in front of Tampines Mall. n it was on Sat, so u might xpect dat area to be crowded rite?? was walking wif rabia in our baju kurung wen suddenly dis two aunties blocked our way. So rabia was goin, "alemak!!" in her veri high pitch voice. n dis two sickening aunties turned around, wif their irritated face, wif their index finger covering their left ears, n stared at me. yes me! who did noting wrong. N guess wad she said?? "Gila arh??!" hell dyem yes! She called me gila! i sooo cannot accept dat fact oke. I mean, u ppl were standing in de middle of nowhere, n u xpect us to say xcuse me?! kiss my arse lah nyonya! Dream on..i was soo fed up, dat I stopped rite in front of her, stared de hell outta her n said "mampos! Who gila? Me or u??! standing in de middle of nowhere n tried to call us gila??! Fark off larh!" yaaa..n obviously de two nyonyas were staring @ us. Wad de fark?? U tink I care soo much? U wanna mess wif me?? I dunmind larh losing my face infront of sooo many ppl, as long as im not in de wrong. n ppl were staring at us. *hecks* Dat was it. so jus a lil reminder before I end my entry. *sticking my thumb n index finger together* Please please please larh nyonyas. Dun mess our life oke??! N stop being sooo hard on otha ppl. noo. We r de teenagers of dis daes, n sooo we dun respect ppl whom we dunnoe. Dats fact. *attitude* Signing off.. That's It For Today. Goodbye.