Saturday, May 28, 2005 1:22 PM ;||*heavenly Friday*|| How could dis happen to me ive made my mistake got nowhere to run when night goes off, it's all faded away ouh sooo in lurve wif dat simple plan's untitled. dont u noe dont u noe?? haha.. im in my black spag top n a blue surfing shorts. Well, does dat matters?? No. so let's start it off wif sumtink sooo fresh. So Dirah, anytink dat matters todae?? Yaaa..alot! first ting first, i was late fer school todae! can u believe it?? sucha a hotshot., blame de bus, not me. waited fer de bus @ my house bustop lyke 15mins. Waited fer 15 fer lyke another 5mins. All in all, it's already 8.45am. n 15 was sooo freaking pack-o, yet I dun understand y de bus driver nids to stop at every bustop. is it realliiee dat compulsory??! Lyke hello!! Noone's alighting n noone's able to board de bus anymore. It's sooo full wif ppl. suckers! N bcos of dat, im late fer my Java lab. But im sooo lucky todae. or rather fortunate. Bcos de Java lab cher was soo dyem nicee to me. I's him fer ur info. Haha...i dunno. Mayb he wans to get some booty wif me. eewww! Gawd! Yes, i entered de lab, muka slumber, n jus uttered a "sorie cher. im late." N jus put on a fake, cheeky smile. N taa-daa! He'll jus throw me his sweetest smile. Lyke sssooo-eva sweet. PUI He talked to me while i was typing out de source code on de comp. N he even sat bside me jus to talk crap. N yaa..he talked to me in Malay, wen he is a Chinese guy. Get wad I mean?? Cheeky! Rite syasya?? *raise eyebrow* More to cum from all de cher. Deyre friendly but sumtymes, deyre betta off wif being too friendly. Bringing some goosebumps here n dere. Hehe..well well well, mayb im those girl who can joke around wif. Wad do u tink syasya?? Lyke Mr Oen. Waaayyy cheeky! *shivers* Soo skul ended @ 1pm todae. dats de best ting abt Friday. So heavenly Friday, not a freaky Friday fer me. You bet! n i had a date wif fahn. To de movie. Went off to get some food. im realli realli realli hungry. N wen im hungry, im in no mood to talk or even laugh. So feed me wif some food!! neva forget dat ma peeps. Watched monster-in-law just now. Impressive movie. Jus de way I luv jLo fer her brilliant acting. Trust me. it's worth de 8bux ticket u bought. So dun wait ppl. Simple luv de part wen Charlie hit her future mother-in-law wif de pan. Yeah woman, bring it on! haha..nicee.. *wide smile* Talking abt woman, syasya!! How could you how could u??! wad did u buy todae?? shopping huh? im in kering kerontang now n u ajak me go shopping wen dere's crazy sales everywhere??! Mann, I gonna hate u sooo much! Screwed u! i should save my money. no point regretting now. It's oke, dere's always a ting called 'atm card'. Haha.. Perhaps i'll do my shopping wen I reallie reallie nid to shop. Or not i'll jus stick my butts here. Pretend noting is on sale. Shucks!! I cant jus do dat. Ouuuhh..cumon hero, pls help me! I nid money. if onli dere's sumting called 'money rain'. Bertadah2 aku ngan dulang besar. Wadeva. i sooo wanna a billabong's white belt n a weaved bag. *hint hint* If I was a richgirl.. Hehs! Gonna mis my hunnie. He's goin to Malacca tonite till Sunday nite. be back fast eh darling..n make sure u buy me sumtink oke?? Lup u! *muacks* Sooo tomorrow im goin to Sarah's wedding. i sooo cant wait to see her in her wedding gown. She'll look wonderful tomorrow, fer sure. Unfortunately, hunnie cant make it tomorrow. So I'll probably be wif my gerls onli. Hiya.. *sigh* HAPPY MARRIAGE SARAH!! That's It For Today. Goodbye.