Dirah; swinging twenty.
Ive made my momma proud by falling in love with a preetyboy; Fahn.

"if i could be any part of you, i'd be your tears; to be conceived in your heart, born in your eyes, live on your cheeks, and die on your lips."


Im leading a blissful life; THANKYOUVERYMUCH.


Life is simple; just RESPECT me.


23rd May: InfoComm Graduation.


Show off the trimmest parts of your body by combining a tight fitting piece with a loose fitting one.

Quoted from: Twenty Hot Fashion



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Monday, May 23, 2005
3:42 PM

;||*happy bdae ayun*||

my gosh!! im still fucking tired n sleepy!

ayun! Oke fine, u didnt force me to ton but still, u made me slept fer onli 4hrs! ouh no. I was de one who couldnt sleep bcos i tink ure snoring! Haha..n dyem blardie idiot aircon. Gonna curse u soooo hard! De aircon was jus blowing directly at my face. N pathetically, i cant cover my face wif de blankets kann? I'll probably be dead.

rite..rite..rite. i made all of u sooo blurr. Weehhoo! im bad. Stop it dirah. my entry gonna be superrr long, so bare wif it larh goons!

On sat, dis lil cuzen of mine, she's 14 btw, had her bdae celeb @ Costa Sand Chalet. n ohmigosh! Her fwends were lyke countless! Too many i tink. Haha..n majority not her age. Bad u! how can u mix around wif ppl my age??! N older? sooo sinful tau.! Hehe..joking la. Ure jus lyke me I tink. More guyfwends den gurlfwends. Hah! cant blame, de genes r traveling around.

So on sat nite @ 10, we were dyem fucking bored. so my akak sdare wanted to play pool sooo much.
*me too me too*
Went dere to check out de place. kinda full house but hecks! But soooo unfortunately, adeq n ayun underage la. Spoilt de fun! n de in-charge lyke sooo stuck-up. go dig ur arse larh! u dunwan to make money, be gone! Shhoooh!

So we decided on bowling plak. dis is 101% true. I HATE bowling! Not dat I dunno how to bowl but I find de game sooo mendak. Agree?? But no choice u see. We were seperated into two groups. De guys n de gerls. 9 ppl in all. Nvm. my group was dyem happening. De whole bowling place was lyke ours! Here's de deal. Wen either of us hit de longkang, we'll gif dat person an evil laugh n go "Longkang!". N wen u strike, we'll go craziee. Pretend lyke dere's noone else xcept us. soo yah. Dats de deal n it was done. de paisei part was wen my akak sdare strike, we all went craziee n guess wad?! de guys had finished their games n dey joined in de cheering competition. N everyone was lyke lookin @ us. Mampus aku! maner mahu ltak muka??! Dlm pocket? Malu babe..! on top of all dat, i won in de game..! wif de highest score.
*thank u thank u*
See, I hate bowling but still I managed to score sooo high.

Went back to chalet, n I was telling everyone in de chalet dat I won de game. Tak tahu malu rite?? ey, proud mah..! haha..

sat in de chalet n 5mins later, we were feeling bored again. Siow! Yahla, lyke notink to do. Entertainment around. Make gud use of it larh. Ayun suggested on playing de pool beside de swimming pool. Haha..seriously, I dunno dere's pool tables in Costa Sand. not bad..

but it was already closed. Obviously. We came @ 1am. stoopid! So we lepak @ de pondok nearby her chalet. tok crap. Laugh n laugh. Till my stomach hurts sooo much. Goons larh u all! Betta off bcuming jokers..haha!

so dat was wat happened on sat. de end.


Now on sun.

Bdk2 kepalang nie tk tahu nak alek umah. Dey ton there too. In de morning, everyone was looking sooo blurr n sleepyhead. Cant sleep without pillows n bolsters huh??! Haha..didnt went swimming. I dunwan to get tanned on tues. sucks!

akak sdare was alreadi whining here n dere. "wanna play pool arh. Hiya" sumtink lyke dat larh. Abeh kcian bdk2 kecik nie. Under 16. she still not satisfied. So we wen Downtown again to try our luck. Again, de farking stuck-up in-charge was dere.

Discuss peh discuss wad to do next. Took us abt 30mins to get a solution. Wads de solution?? Tglkan bdk2 underage nie pat luar.
*ishk ishk ishk*

Played pool wif my akak sdare. Again, i conquered all. i won in every games we played. Thanx to my skills in pool. See..told u! haha..she was bingitla obviously. N in de middle of de game, mum n aunts dropped by. Aunt tried playin de pool but none of de balls masuk hole. Kcian.. mum was lyke soo amazed wen she saw me hitting de ball n it actuallie went straight into de hole. Haha..who's ur daughter?? ME!! be proud momma.

Afta dat, went to meet adeq n ayun at KFC. Dey were starving while waiting fer us. haha..me too. Im starving lyke a mad dog. Havent eat since mrning. N it was already lunch tyme, mind u! n afta dat we went back to de chalet, jus to put ayun's oatmeal. ayun n adeq were already whining so loud. Dey wanted sooo much to play pool too. So we went to de Costa Sand's pool. n amazingly, dey allow ppl below 16 to play de pool provided dere's someone above 16 to accompany dem.

So I taught adeq how to play de pool n she managed to capture de skills very fast. If akak can make it, so can u..haha..lame-ouh! De kakak @ de counter was very nice to us..Lyke it..eventhough we called her twice to help us retrieved back de 'stucked' balls. Hehe..it was already 6.30pm wen we got back to de chalet. Slack around on de bed. Music blasting off too loud. Butts were moving n shaking to de beat of de RnB n reggae songs. Corny jokes were told, followed by a pimp laugh.

By 10pm, we were already feeling sooo bored to death. So we ajak ayun's mum to de bowling. It's on her. sooo, on je larh! Haha..we played 2games. 1st game, haha..my score was second from de bottom. Maha slack..n ayun's momma managed to be de top bowler among us. Unfair! Hehe..n soo, we were all not satisfied. So we dcided to play a 2nd game. Dis tyme around, I managed to score second from de top. Abg shafwan was first. U bozzo!! U were supposed to aim fer de longkang oke, not de pins. Hate u soo much. Anw, u jus won me by 9pnts je..big deal!
*stick out tongue*

Got back at de chalet at around 1am. everybody was feeling dyem hungry, so aunt cooked us some Maggie. N @ around 2am, momma came down n brought us some chickens. Yummy! Soo delicious! But she went home afta dat..


Noone ton on de second nite xcept me, adeq, ayun, her momma, nenek n some of her guyfwends.

We cant sleep till around 4am. were giggling soo hard weneva we made stoopid jokes. N I mean reallie stoopid jokes. Adeq was msg-ing wif irfan n I was already snoring away. Ayun next. I woke up @ 8am first, den adeq. N ayun was still snoring away. So adeq tickled her to wake her u n guess wad she said jus sec afta she opened her eyes?? "jom sembahyang subuh" haha.. "sembahyang subuh kan pagi2. skrg da kul 8pagi. Tebiat pe??!" I noe it's kinda lame, but she made it more lame den i do. took a bath, had breakfast, nenek went 'high' on dat dae. haha..she was making lame jokes. N she made us laugh early in de morning. Till our stomach hurt soo much n till i had to ask her to kip quiet. My goodness! Soo crazie her. n..i broke my black ring. Accidentally. Lyke fark rite??!

We checked out @ around 10.00am. dey went straight home but adeq n me were feeling so hungry. So we stopped by @ Mac in Downtown n had our breakfast. It's been months since I ate breakfast at Mac. Pity me..!

Nice journey home..i lyke!

Reached home. Took a bath. It's sooo nice to feel de warm water on me again. N went straight to bed. Dis is wad u call heaven!!

Reallie heaven..!

That's It For Today. Goodbye.

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