Thursday, December 01, 2005 10:20 PM ;||*about the happiest bird*|| i wanted to blog yesterday but i got addicted with designing this template. and by the time im done with it, i was already dyem tired and my eyes are so freaking heavy. so i thought i'd rather post pictures than nothing. right? i was having so much fun with preetyboy yesterday. and i really mean soooooo much fun! unbelievable. im even smiling to myself right now. 7hrs of togetherness. laughter. joy. bullying. punching. wrestle. and the list goes on and on and on.. hah! finally it's here. i longed for the laughter and joy that we used to have a year ago. where our days were only about smiles and laughter, not tears n sadness. it feels so much better to see those smiles on our faces again. and the ouhso UNmelodious laughter. haha. im enjoying it preetyboy. really. it weird though cos ive been missing u alot lately. and thanks for waiting for me till 7pm. and having dinner with me. ure the most sweetest guy. im just too dumb not to realise it. no offence eh boy! he suggested that we should get engaged after our diploma. and that will be next year. ouhmyfreakinglord. im lost for words. told mum about it and she was surprised, obviously. duh. but it all depends on me. one side of me tells me that getting engaged is a waste of money and doesn't mean it will last you to marriage. but another side of me tells me that it'll be nice to let everyone noes ure officially someone's so that it wouldn't be embarrassing to walk around holding hands. which one sounds nicer? u think? whatever it is preetyboy, i already see my future with you and hope that everything will go smoothly. insya'allah. i fall asleep again in Technopreneurship tutorial. we were told to watch this video about a successful business man, but i ended up falling asleep. gawd. that subject was freaking bored. let's count how many assignments waiting for me. edd, ia, ifctech, innk and sociology. 1 2 3 4..5! im dead. it's piling up week by week and the date due is just around the corner. i need a break. seriously. ouh right. i played pool two days ago. the game was a total cocked up thing. i guessed it was because i was not in the mood. and the old chinese men were trying to get fresh with us. i mean, come on la, do you need a mirror? i was blardie pissed off and just wished that i could change to another pool table. told preetyboy that ive applied a debit mastercard and he was mad about the whole thing. he freaked the hell outta me. serious. i was shocked when he suddenly raised his voice and told me to cancel the application or don't activate the card. obviously i asked him for the reasons. and he told me that he don't want me to have any mastercards or credit cards because he believes that people who own these cards are the ones who have a higher chance of declaring a bankruptcy. really? haha. i was stunned and dumbfounded for a minute. i guess he has a point there. afterall, there's a four digit number in my bank right now. that will only make me spend even more. ive made the wrong move. damn! my nails are killing me softly. i broke a nail again. and i realise, the best place for pimples to grow is at my cheeks. perhaps..i should smile less. still waiting for syasya to send me her songs so that i can upload it into my mp3. dun forget eh gerl. always expect the unexpected. im never wrong. thus, i was right all along. we'll see how long it will last them. That's It For Today. Goodbye.