Friday, November 11, 2005 4:34 PM ;||*dance with me till morning*|| i had a very long day today in school. school ended at 7pm, thanks to sociology lecture. for the first time, i felt ashamed again after years of not feeling ashamed. dirah: sya, which lab room? sya: (with so much confidence) 88. i pushed open the door and enter. followed by syasya and another two girls. and i can even smile at the teacher, knowing that i was already 5mins late. first thought, why is the lab seems so occupied?? sir: erm..i tink u guys are in the wrong class. i stopped and looked at syasya. dirah: err..isit? sorie. and i walked out of the lab, feeling damn paisei. mestila, member masuk class confident, cukup time, salah class. the lab room was supposed to be 88/1. not 88. right. i dun trust syasya n her timetable ever again! haha.. try to picture this. their lab started at 8am, and they were in the middle of doing their lab wen suddenly four girls came in at 9.05am, claiming that they're having lab in that room too. and obviously, not knowing that they're in the wrong class. imagine the looks every student gave us, followed by laughter. malu beb! reached home at 8.30pm. i wonder why that girl kept staring at me wheneva we bumped into each other anywhere. why that cold look sia?! haf i eva offend u in any ways? so wad if ure an ex coralian and im an ex prcsian. does dat make us an enemy? yes, maybe u used to hate me but that's ur fucking problem la. i haf nothing against u. nothing. atleast if u dun wanna smile then dun give me that stare la. jus ignore. sombong! i bought a new toothbrush to replace the old one. i dunno, my gums hurt too much. berdenyut-denyut. and i tink the growth rate of my pimple is much faster than the growth rate of my hairs. ew! no girls love to have pimples. i skipped toner for two days and dis is wad i get. so sensitive. ouhno, in case ure wondering, im not the type who go for facial, bcos i dun trust their products. my skin might be sensitive, u neva know right? so to play save, i stay away from facial. two assignments in my way at the moment. they'll be due in 3weeks time. ergh! hidayat called me at 8.45pm to visit my house for raya. i was bathing wen he called. he came with four of his otha fwends. there u go.. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() yay! im not schooling tomorrow. cant wait to go jalan-jalan raya. so fun! i should jus stick to red. dun forget my digital camera. dyem important! wadelse? do you think i can get away with applying an LOA for my Basic Theory Driving Test? well, hopefully..give me some face please. the design girls saw my new pair of bronze sandal and they commented. nice right? thank you! but i tink syasya's more bling bling. gold.. before that, here's some pics taken yesterday..a lil crazy i must say. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() sweet dreams! That's It For Today. Goodbye.