Tuesday, November 22, 2005 3:04 PM ;||"find the hidden puzzle*|| i keep staring at my own blog, feeling so stressed up cos i simply cant find the time to blog. and yes, i haf lotsa stuff to blog about. and too many pics to upload. let's try to get it all done now ya, shall we? my weekdays were all so pack. been goin out too much lately. shoot me. and of all things, i forget to blog about my raya outing wif the family on sun. and the pictures are still in my digicam, waiting to be posted here. ergh. so here we go.. ![]() ![]() dey said i simply cant get enuf of the flash. and try my very best to be the next perfectionist. well, almost trying so hard to be perfect. haha..eventhough i noe i can neva be. let's leave that alone. if ure wondering, half of the pics above were taken by abg hisyam. yes..imagine a guy taking photos for the gerls who simply cant get pose properly. wad a shame! unfortunately, last Friday's plan kinda cocked up. but wadeva it is, get well soon gurlfren ailah. heed the doctor's advice, and please drink plenty of water n don't stand too long. even a teacher needs a break okay..ure not some robot who can skip drinking water n stand for the lamest time. get it?! well, im just tryna be fierce so dat u'll listen to me..haha! i lup u. it started off wif only me, ilah n afiq. the purple couple reached earlier than i am. nothing's new wen comes to being punctual. haha.. headed to fahn's house first. u guys can neva imagine how troublesome to get to his house. i mean, the distance u nid to walk from the bustop to Compass Green. haish..i wish dere's a shuttle bus. i kept groaning in pain because of my heels. i cant walk straight in my heels anymore if im in it for more than 20mins of walking. beats me. Unbelievable. nassier reached there earlier than i am. okay fine. im IMpressed. need more? ilah thought fahn's cat, nyet, looks like a black Garfield rather than a cat. haha..at that point of time, i tink so too. so furry n fat. and his mom cant stop threatening me with that Garfield. i almost wanted to jump up and down in my kain. i swwwwwear! enough of bragging. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() i know. SO.NOT.GLAMOUR. who cares. aftarall noone says you need to be perfect in front of the cameras right? right. click here to view more. or you can view it from the snapshot section on the right under *Raya wif Friends. it was overall fun. i got home at about 11.30pm and i had to be ready by 11am the next day. even up till now, i dun understand why people go jalan raya early in the morning. sigh! things get a lil outta hand during my Saturday's jalan raya. things like he didn't trust me and things like he expecting TOO much things from me. i am irritated, ofcourse! okay fine, sooooomething like irritated. i was forced to be home by 10pm because his family wanted to come to my house. yes..u make me think n decide which is more important. u and ur family or my friends. grr..i hate making decisions. no doubt. i left them and headed home because of you. okay daling? ![]() sunday was with the family again. too booooring! ![]() ![]() i was late for school today. so i took the cab instead. even so, i was still late cos i waited so long for my cab. frustrating! let alone the taxi driver, he was testing my patience. aku raser aku lari lagi laju.. and my two fingers are swollen. because i clumsily ironed the two fingers. sakit tau..i cried for just a second. syasya asked me to accompany her to Century Square cos she wanted to buy this golden box for tata. and we bumped into herrrr.. we had a good laugh. thank you for the entertainment beb! That's It For Today. Goodbye.