Wednesday, October 05, 2005 1:19 AM ;||*the sun will shine us me*|| im suffocating. how long more must i live in this terrible nightmare?? the first place, it wasn't at all a nitemare. it's happening to me. now. how much stress can i take before everything will disappear and fantasy will be mine again?? i wanna live like othas. happily smiling as if the world belongs to dem. no tension. no stress. i wanna feel the excitement of becoming someone's princess. i wantt..! de gurlfrens said "you gotta be strong honey." yes. indeed. and de least thing i can do is let go every misery and throw it away somewhere really far. othas said "never throw your love away." i certainly hope he can open his eyes n heart and tell me our love is still as strong as the rock. and tell me we're not living on thin ice. yes..this thin. i kept running away from all misery we faced, but it came haunting me back. i guess, the solutions are too far to be reached. give me some faith and tell me everything's gonna be alright. it's a lie, i know. but somehow, i'll feel betta. i tout i was strong to overcome every obstacles but darn! im just a girl whose heart is as soft as the bread. de nite has passed yet i feel as if i haven't had my beauty sleep. how can i wen all i did was to cover my face under the pillow and cry endlessly. am i asking too much?? am i being too dramatic?? im not. perhaps dat's the way i tried to show you my feelings and emotions. like ive said, i will let go everything and wen heaven is on our side, the sun will shine us back. i haven't been eating right these past few days. i tink i nid the doctor. my stomach feels really awkward and more awkwardly, i feel like vomiting every single minute. im not expecting for goat's sake. it's just dat im not eating accordingly. i feel sorry for my close guyfrend. no, i shant reveal his name. he told me to kip dis stuff from everyone. u were hospitalized yet u never mention it to me. look at u now. now u cant walk, bcos dey hit ur right leg so badly. guyfrend, does it worth fighting with e hooligans? ouh, they ambushed you. right. just a few words from me to you. have plenty of rest and don't move around too much. stop thinking about dat girl and start thinking about your leg. i wanna see u on hari raya, so pls dun disappoint me. and another thing, dun eva kip me in the dark again..promise? im too bored at home. i wanna go window-shopping. anyone is welcome to accompany me. ring me up. i will be more than pleased. That's It For Today. Goodbye.