Tuesday, October 04, 2005 5:13 AM ;||*wen shopaholic hits the town*|| ive been thinking a lot these days. u noe, for all the tings dat happened btw us. im jus afraid dat tings will not go my way. nvm about dat. we'll jus let tings go their own way. im seriously waiting for my phone to ring. i cant live in silence. boredom! so, all the plans were down the drain just becos my heart says im not in de mood to go out. rightt. i do things with reasons and i do follow my heart. dat is me. guess im living all of you under uncertainty and confusion. yess..like "wad de hell is dirah blabbering about?" nothing much though. jus letting out the unnecessary for fun. let's get real. im luving my friendster so much. editing a layout using the HTML is my all-time favourite. nothing's new about dat rightt. im an infocomm student who did nothing but deal with the HTML. ouh yes, ive set my profile to anonymous. meaning i can do anything on friendster without even a soul knowing about it. so funnn! wasnt in the mood yesterday nite. so i laid on the couch watching some Hindustan story. very lame, i mus say. bcos for the 3hrs, i swear i dun understand wads goin on. half of de tyme i was dreaming and kept staring at the teevee. obviously my mind was wandering. everyone in the family knows that i aint de type who talks alot at home. im de one who rather do my stuff silently and do things in the name of entertainment. i dun share my problems wif mum unless i really can't stand it and HAD to cry infront of her. haha.. so yest, while i was laying on the couch, mom came to me n reminded me dat she's yet to buy me a bdae gift. yes..a really belated one. and she asked me wad i want. straightaway i told her i either wan dat EDC light pink corduroy pants or jus the money will do. ok, ive made up my mind, i wan de pants. and she smiled. she noes i can neva get enuf of tops, bottoms and even undergarments. den dis is the stressing part. mom asked me where is ALL my money. seriously, it's wif me and ive yet to spend dem on my hair. another ting abt me, i'll definitely do my hair every year. again, nothing new lor.. talking about undergarments, i tink i nid a new Pierre Cardin's. what else?? black n orange t-strings. ouh..i prefer t's rather den g's if u wanna noe. hmm..more brown, orange n red tops. more bottoms. and im still finding my white or beige corduroy skirt. any idea where can i find it??
![]() ![]() ![]() okay im tired. look at the weather. it's de most perfect time for me to get my sleep again. aftarall, im the one who planned to stay at home today till i haf tuition later. im out. Ive given you everything I love you endlessly But when it comes to me You don't even notice me. That's It For Today. Goodbye.