Thursday, July 07, 2005 11:42 AM ;||*cracking and twisting*|| thanks to Dirah's creativity, she came up wif her own blog. how do u like it?? ani kinda comments r welcome. as u can see..editing photo is part of me. one of my footstep to eliminate boredom. Bah! i reallie reallie nid a break. my brain is lyke twisting itself in my skull n it's hurting me. alot. phuck. i hate dis feeling. reallie hate it. two more papers to go n im done. reallie cant wait fer de 1week vacation. dis is one of de way to de-stress. Blog. *pimp laugh* holy crap! ICA paper just now was a total disaster. lucky me im smart enuf to print out de answer fer de review term test paper. so all i did was to copy blindly portion of it into my paper. smartpants Dirah! *clap clap* ROSW paper was just fine. managed to complete it wif some stoopid n pathetic 'main sumbat' answers. n i didnt manage to complete my TCS paper. dangg!! full of bullshitte! de tapescript was suppperr long! n we haf onli 1hr to write de minutes. *eyes rolling* haf to pray hard dat everyting will runn smooth. i mean, my results. haha..yup. still hoping. reallie gotta go fer now. nid to finish up on my MOBCOMP revision. n ive yet to print out de lecture papers. Haha..last minit beb!! tomorrow sitting fer de test, n todae i just print out all de notes. nie smua kes tak ambik kisah.. *sigh* let me conclude sometink. dere's so many types of people in dis world. Hypocrites. Backstabbers. Liars. n wadelse??! u tink. u decide. fer atleast, syasya's agreeing wif me. *nods head* n here's fer u hunnie. edited specially fer you. *muacks* That's It For Today. Goodbye.