Friday, May 06, 2005 3:49 PM ;||*fridae is dating dae*|| So romantic yet sooo cold. Oke fine, I suck at dis. Wad im trying to sae is dat I had a great tyme just now wif my hunnie eventhough it was raining sooo heavily. So yah, fri is lyke a dating dae fer me..! Went out at 12.15pm. being de sweetest darling, he waited fer me not at de void deck but at my doorstep. Hehs! Veriee switt indeed!! Told him I havent been playing pool since de last mths n mths I tink. U see, he cant see me wif my sympathetic face, so finally he agreed on playing pool on Fri. wow!! been sucha a looong tyme tau! So out of 7 games, I won thrice n he won four tymes. UNFAIR!! I was supposed to beat him flat..! mayb another tyme perhaps. My skills not dere yet. Haha!! since he won, he paid de bills. I noe. Was supposed de other way round, but heck. I suggested on playin, so he paid. Hehes! Next stop. Pacific Plaza. Den Wisma Atria. Den Heeren. He wanted so much to buy dis Volcom shirt n I wanted so much to buy dis Roxy flipflop. But to our dismay, de Volcom shirt he wanted so much, doesn't haf his size n my flipflop is already out of stock..!! so, de moral of de story is, dun hesitate to buy if u lyke it so much alreadie. Gud! Now im starting to whine again..! *sigh* Wadeva. Ate at Cahaya. Dats de best place to eat wen ure feeling down. Their foods are superb!! Realliee superb..! *Yum Yum Yum* Our food dat we crave sooo much.. ![]() Still not satisfied, we went down to CTLink, hoping to get wad we wanted. But nehi!!! Dun haf. Fly away. No stock! Den suddenly de whole dae felt so miserable. Headed to Esplanade to get some fresh air n nicee panoramic. Bot Mrs Field cookies n brownies, ate till we had enuf of it. seriously, de reason I lurve choc soo much was bcos it will brighten up ur dae if u're feeling lyke shite! N it makes u hyperactive. So we r totally hyperactive n occupied ourselves wif photos. Another way to kip our smile goin.. More pics to cum at //*snapshot section. That's It For Today. Goodbye.