Tuesday, April 26, 2005 3:17 AM ;||*Bitching around*|| Rite..let's start being a lil bitchy here. it's been daes since I last bitch around. I mean wif my entries, mind u eh..! I wanna bitch abt Muzika Extravaganza!! So rite afta watching de amazingla superb Muzika Extravaganza, I tink I wan to be involved in Mediacorp. Hehs!! Im lying, I noe dat. I cant act. I cant sing. Ouh wait, I can host!! Y not??..haha!! n den I'll be e female version of Suhaimi minus e boncit n de big size larh.. Haha!! im mean. Ok stop. Aint funny aniwae.. As usual, I was waiting helplessly fer my one n only Taufik Batisah to perform. Weweeet!! Oke, apology first to whoeva-i-was-talking-to on de fon. Bcos I jus say "ey oke oke bye!! Taufik nak perform nie. Aku nk tgk. Bye bye!!" n I jus slammed down e fon n rushed fer de most front sit, which is rite in front of de teevee dat I tink I can spot his pimples. Haha!! or mayb I can looked straight into his nose. Gudness!! Oke oke stop!! There's always dat one person dat will always have ur heart U'll neva see it cuming cos ure blinded from the start Noe dat ure dat one fer me It's clear for everyone to see Ouh baby..ouuh..u will always be my boo.. So he sang My Boo wif dat woman!! Any criticism? Yes, her voice was flat n in malay dey say penyek. Flat mampus dat I tink she spoilt de whole song. Not onli dat, too high pitch!! Dat wen she duet wif taufik, his voice sank. Fer gudness sake!! Anw, I was just drooling over taufik, I dun realli care how de woman sounded, cos I could onli concentrate on taufik sleeky moves..hehs!! Dayang was realli cun-melecun. I jus adore her hair. The curls. Nicee.. n I lurve CT song dat she sang. Seriously I forgot e title. My mind is blank, told u!! hehs! Although de fact is dat I dun realli lyke CT, but I lurve her songs. Amazingly impressive!! Ruffedge!! Deyre playful on stage n Gawd..the shortest guy wif dat long hair was realli cute. My gawd!! He got sucha big eyes n I adore guys wif big eyes. Weehhooo!! N blonde hair Triplenoise, u looked soo not ewww but gorgeous!! Haha. im mad. Boys wif blonde hair I say gorgeous?? Sumting is reallie wrong wif me. no. his hair matched his skin tone. Dats y. aint a mat but a cutie! Wait. I tink my entry todae is really meaningless. Haha!! before it gets more meaningless, I tink I should stop bragging. Don't u tink so?? Nvm.. Anihooss.. I haf a date wif Syasya later. Hitting e town as usual. She wanted to buy dat oversized sunglass. Mayb I get one, mayb not. I dunoo.. Dis part is 101% true. We will surely hit e Pacific Plaza fer ROXY stuff later. Bcos she's goin crazzee over Roxy afta I told her dat dey got new stuffs in. and 102%, I will drool over e flipflop dat I adore AGAIN. Shitee..! One more. Haf u seen slow-moving snowflakes?? Yes. It onli exist @ vivalicious-dirah. Gudness!! Can e snowflakes lyke move faster?? That's It For Today. Goodbye.